Colorado experienced what could have been a deadly avalanche - tons of snow sliding down the mountain at 50 mph right over the top of cars that were traveling a mountain road gave everyone quite a scare.
I hate driving in winter. I'm ok with snow, with cold, but add solid ice to the roads and wind limiting visibility and tons of snow falling on my car, no thanks! I have to unpack boxes & packing materials out of the car, and I'm terrified I'll fall on the thick ice with snow over the top of it in the lot and hurt what's already hurt worse. Been there, done that. I'm looking closely at the atlas trying to find the least possible snow/blizzard impacted routes southeast. Tomorrow 65 mph winds are supposed to hit with all the snow we are getting. Well, maybe it'll blow away?
Spent the day paying bills, trying to figure a much reduced budget, and sorting an avalanche of paperwork until I couldn't stand it anymore. I'm a paper packrat, I'm a nut for paper trails. I was probably a house mouse in a previous life, if there were such a thing. I have a garbage sack full of old statements, offers, interesting articles, etc., etc. Business cards from people I will never need to contact again. You name it, I got it. I need to purchase a shredder when I go get Ms. Meowi.
I'm thinking of the ol' work place, laughing at whoever is/has/will be snooping through an avalanche of files in my computer at work, and hundreds of paper files looking for who really knows what. They'll just be plumb flat out exhausted. Not enough information ? No, instead a whopping big overload, detailed beyond sanity. But on the other hand it is so fun to just whip papers out of the file or emails and say, "no, here is what I asked you to do," or "here is the plan, the payment," etc., etc. , "all the info you need!" or "no, I did not say that, here's the email, memo, fax, outlining what I did say." Big smile.
A rogue telephone company turns me over for collection every year for the past six years. I have all the proof of complete payment. Just found it today, which was great, because I just got my annual notice from a collection agency that Vartech thinks I still owe them money. I imagine Vartech running a paperless office, several computer crashes, and that is why they don't know they have been paid. After six years, with an evil grin and malicious glee (one can only be tormented so long without going over the edge!), I tell the collection agency of the year to send me $20.00 for my trip to Kinko Copies and for postage and I will mail them the evidence of payment they need. I then do not hear from anyone again for another year. Have yet to find them on my credit report - so far so good.
LOL, I've got the same mess!! We've had soooo many situations where a paper trail was necessary, that I've become paranoid and have a paper trail for practically every aspect of our lives!
This was especially true when Z was in school, in the Special Ed system. The school lost virtually EVERY document I ever gave them. I had to give them a copy of Z's TS diagnosis every year, as this document kept disappearing from his file!
Now, with homeschooling, I have to be very careful to have a paper trail; the state requires it. I was overwhelmed with filing until I got a tip from a homeschool blogger: just put every years paper trail in an expandable file folder, label it with the year, and forget about it. If the state wants to see the paperwork, THEY can wade through it.
We'll take a little of your snow....we've been having spring weather!
actually, email has been my lifesaver in many a situation--nothing's better than saying, "actually we did talk about it--at 3:05 on March 12. Here's the records." Beautiful, no?
minervajane, yeh, love it! However the person on the other end who is lying doesn't, LOL!
thsmom, when we dealt with the school about my son, I finally had to go to an advocacy group in Colorado. They just, very much, in our face, refused to give him Special Ed. They said "if you were better parents," etc, etc. Jees I carried around enough guilt - anyway by the time they were finally forced into complying with the law, my son's self esteemw was so shot, he quit school. Later got his GED. I don't know if things have changed much. I have a friend whose five year old son is terribly drugged up - and she's afraid to take him off, because they'll (the school) might think she's not cooperating.
I shouldn't start on the school system for special ed I guess - or I'll be going on for a while.
That sounds EXACTLY like our experience Gardenia!! I, too, could go on for hours on this subject.
I KNOW that Z would never have survived in THAT system!
snow? whassat? Uk don't get any anymore. Probably just as well the bastards'd only tax it anyroad.
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