We are having tweety bird cake, so bring your kitties with you (or puppies), ice cream and watermelon punch. Also wine, champagne & orange juice, and margueritas will be served with chips and salsa.
We are going to the cyber beach for playing at the shore, making sand castles, a barbecue in the evening. Prizes for the first dolphin sighting! Your party treats are going to be hibiscus blossoms for your hair. (for the girls.), and hand painted wine glasses for the wine, and screen printed sarongs.
After dark, we'll have a cyber bonfire - and who knows (Mr. Anchovy, bring your accordian) when we'll go home.
No RSVP needed.
Happy Birthday You! I'm sharing a video clip that always, always makes me smile. Hope it does you too!
Matt the Happy Dancer
Have a great day!
P.S. I'm wearing workout clothes hoping that they'll inspire me to go workout.
Happy Birthday!
Here is a link to a site my kids and I laugh out loud to:
I am dress as a semi proffesional attire - writing at work (bad worker)But if I could dress in anything it would be my PJ's!!!
happy birthday! m wear levis. wool socks. sheepskin slippers n a sweatshirt since it is snowin here....no wait m wearin my boardshorts n i will take u surfin with me( afterall i live in surf city usa..huntington beach ,ca 2 u gremmies )the dolphins will surf with us bcos thay always do that so u will win a prize on ur birthday 2
Have a rockin birthday! Visit this link for a great little clip of Jerry Lee Lewis and Neil Young playing together on Letterman from October 06.
I wish I could be there to squeeze out a tune of two for you. I do have a couple CD recommendations for you though. Check out Hotwalker by Tom Russell (and while you're in the Tom Russell section of your local CD purveyor, also check out Indians, Cowboys, Horses and Dogs). My other recommendation for you is Live at Longview, by Ian Tyson. cheers.
I'm gifting you with some of my hoarded crafting supplies. We can combine our resources and create a wondrous work of art!
I'm wearing cutoffs and my favorite baggy T-shirt, and I'm barefoot because I can't stand sand in my shoes.
I will be the first to spot the dolphins. I've never seen them swimming in the wild, so I won't take my eyes, or binoculars, off the water!!
I'll light the fire. I'm the champion of 1 match firestarting!
Have a great birthday, my friend!! I hope the coming year is filled with wondrous delights for you!
Happy Birthday!!!!
I will be wearing and enormous belly full of developing baby, wishing I could have a stiff drink, and will eat a huge amount of cake to make up for not having the drink.
Happy Birthday
And I swear I won't ask you how old you are.
I'm so sorry that I missed the party! I think that my invite was lost in the mail...
Did you have a great day? I hope that you had a wonderful birthday, you deserve nothing less!
Wow, Diana! Happy Late Birthday!
Feliz cumpleanos a ti, feliz cumpleanos a ti...
I am arriving very late to this party but something tells me the house is still rockin'...I'm wearing jeans and my "V is for Vegetarian" tee-shirt. I brought some homemade baklava (that someone else made), a six pack of Diet Coke ('cause I'm never sure if there's gonna be enough for me anyplace I go) and one pound of the finest Costa Rican ground for your bday gift.
CD recommendations? Anything by the Clash.
dtejada, don't know who you are, but thanks for stopping by. how did you crack my code? I would love to respond by stopping by your blog, but I couldn't when I clicked on your name. Costa Rica is my favorite place just about - and the coffee is super - & I'm a wanna be vegetarian! Again, thanks for stopping by!
I'm very late... is this party still going? Anyways, I just wanted to wish you a fantabulous birthday! Hope it was great!
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