Today was the grand opening of the new KK building, as the old one had been pretty well done in by a hurricane. But, some of us mourn the old one with so much "character" where you had to squeeze in behind the stools at the counter to pay for your prizes. One man even camped in front of the store today to be THE ONE to get the first donut from the new building. I'm waiting for a week before buying ONE, yes, only ONE donut for myself. The little fellows are quite addictive - before you know it, you can put down four and feel very woozy, stuffed, and have the "oh, I wish I hadn't done that" syndrom.
Sunday I fell on my rump and my tailbone is beyond sore. At first, I was terrified I'd injured my back again - but so far so good, it feels strong. But my bottom is soooooooo owwwwie. I think I should live in a bubble suit maybe.
Take care, going to go lay on my side for a while.
We have one KK near us. I don't know if this is their policy in every store, but in this one you can see the donuts on a conveyor belt from when they are just dough to when they hit the boiling oil to being sprinkled with sugar and to the counter. Just standing there watching those little discs of dough deep fried in god-knows-how-many-days-old oil is enough to keep me from ever buying one!
Sorry about your bum. Hopefully the pain will remain confined to that general area.
KK is not that great. Apparently you've never had a donut from Tim Hortons, the king of deep fried dough products. They tried to open a KK here in Edmonton but I believe it closed down shortly afterwards. We are very particular about our donuts, cruellers, and fritters up north. There's still one in Calgary I believe but then they've always been a bit weird down there. You should see the line ups during the morning rush hour at the Timmies' drive throughs...some days it seems half the city can't get to work without their large double/doubles.
nobody is bettern tim hortons! kk is pure sugar...just wot i need heheh i dun eat either 1 of m does it hurt 2 stand up and sit down but not afetr u do it? i busted my tailbone 2 x playin hockey n thatis wot happen it ddint hurt 2 sit on it r walk aroun but gettin up n down was killer..i hope u only has a bruise tho
Are we going to have to confine you to a padded room until you're healed?
Good grief, what next?!
Red, I know, I know - they are awful, but! It would be fun to watch the process - no we can't watch here. Hopefully they are into no transfat here, and only use clean grease! haha.
Karen & Puppy, I will look for Tim Hortons next time I travel. I hope I get more donut traditions, likes, dislikes on the comments - fun!
Puppy - it hurts to sit, get up AND get down. But I had a massage after back treatment today and amazingly it helped - (not on the tailbone, but the trigger points deep in the sides of the hips.) No one touches my tailbone. It is a burning pain. I would hurt them.
I'm with Karen. Tim Hortons all the way! We did a KK across the street from us a few years back. That flashing light was a like homing beacon for Shawn. He went nearly evry day for his free donut, and I was forever finding KK napkins in his pockets. You can only buy them at Wal-Mart now, in a box.
Sorry about your tushy. I think that you need to wear one of those bear suits when you go out from now on! :)
Not really a doughnut person..but I did like the few times a year mable ones back home from the locally owned shop (in Montana).
a few years ago, a bunch of KK places opened up in the Toronto area amid much hype. There were line-ups. However, us Canucks are much more experienced on the donut front than Americans - we've had Tim Horton's and Country Style and Bakers' Dozen for many years. At a certain point people stopped lining up at the KK joints. Some of them might have closed up. I'm not sure.
We'll take a pic of KK's conveyor belt for you, G. We may be going near it tomorrow. You'll be repulsed, I think! Hope your tail gets well soon.
Sorry about the bum. I definitely don't get kk here, we have DD (Dunkin Donuts) on every corner. I think there is a saturation point one gets to where donuts just aren't so yummy anymore. I think I've reached it.
KK isn't big here in Canada; rather, it's Tim Hortons. I've never been to KK so I cannot colmpare. I love a good doughnut just like the next gal, though. I'm not sure where you'll find Tim's in the States. Ask Great White Bear; he seems to be in the know.
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