Friday I volunteered for a couple of hours at the school. It was great watching the eyes of the children as they "caught on." Egads, I thought I wasn't that crazy about children, per se, but for an insane moment there I wished I was a teacher. (Yes, I am crazy about children - these amazing little people who are soaking in the world about them!)
One little boy who wanted to jump all about the computer and not stay on his lesson, I discovered, was not able to answer the questions he was supposed to answer. So, we worked from 54% correct up to 94%. It was another's turn but he was so excited about getting (and understanding) right answers, he wanted to "do it again" and try for the 100%.
After school, littlest grandson and I jumped in the car and stopped for ribs. We'll never go to Sonny's again! The chain barbecue place has gone down, down, down. I'm going to have to do barbecue ribs myself!
Then we hit the highway to see my older daughter and kids. We had a great time, despite our bad backs, attending the oldest grandson's football game. We made it and we are recuperating. He didn't get to play, but seeing him in his uniform was enough for me! We had a good Saturday visiting - the house was full of people which included two of the kids' friends.
M and I have quite an interesting mode of "visiting." We share magazines, sit on her big bed, talk, read, and she shows me nail polishes, new perfumes. Our latest rapture is the new
Russian OPI nail polish lineof dark, deep mysterious reds, blues, purples nearly black polish, but very sultry looking.
Significant other-in-law cooked all day. Chocolate cake, lemon frosted muffins, grilled hamburgers with seasoned potato wedges. The guy can cook better than anyone I ever met. He has his mother's cookbook of favorite recipes which is about four inches thick and he uses it!
We're home now, me gathering my wits together. I have a couple of phone calls to make this afternoon. I don't know why its hard for me to talk on the phone. Has the internet ruined elegant hand written letters actually mailed off through the post office (not carried in the purse for months) and long lingering phone calls? Yes, for me it has. I'm trying to be better for my friends who prefer phone calls. I still have a horrible time with letters! I cleaned my files out and I have several cards all made out and never mailed. How gauche!
It sounds like you have been busy. I love spending time with family.
I volunteered for years at the kids school. I loved it. I think that I have had enough for now, though. Maybe when the grandkids start pouring in, I'll feel differently.
I am trying to write more letters these days. Emails are great, but there is just something extra special about getting something tangible in the mail.
Besides, I only ever hear from Bill, and he always wants money :P
I know -I want to write letters too - because they are such a rarity - for my grandkids.....
Or why I am so addicted to my godchildren!
I am wearing "Susie Says Da" and another I have worn is "Midnight in Moscow". Really good colors this time.
I hate writing letters anymore. Cruddy handwriting and struggle to compose anything of interest.
It's nice that you're so close to your family and get to see them so often. Aren't kids wonderful (especially when they're not yours? tee hee).
I MUST have nailpolish. Oh my goodness, those are fabulous.
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