Write ten Christmas traditions you practice or would like to start:
Do this year:
1. Making Gingerbread Men with the children
2. Putting up and decorating a tree
3. Reading or listening to Christmas story with family incl. grandson
4. MUST mail packages
Used to do:
1. Gifts for needy families/kids
2. Organize charitable project for church
3. Make fruitcakes
4. Hand made gifts - crewel embroidery, painted pictures, art photos, candles
5. Recycle Christmas cards into gift tags
6. A Sunday Brunch with a special person
7. Cover the house in fresh cut boughs
8. Make wreaths
9. Reading grandson Christmas story
10. Organize office party
11. Drafted, copied and mailed Christmas letter
12. Made loaves of bread for gifts
13. Add all the above in "Do this year."
Want to do:
1. Christmas Eve Service
2. Sit in front of fireplace with the perfect martini on Christmas eve with friends
3. Make picture frames, paint pictures
4. Art Christmas cards (original for each person)
5. Participate in Cookie exchange
6. Go see Bellingrath Gardens
Its sad to me to see the actually doing list in comparison to the others! I want to do it all.........
so, here it is - the dreaded "T" word - Tag - if you want - -
Hey, when I have some time over the weekend, I may do that!!
I think you've got four good traditions there, Gardenia, and I hope you get to do all four of them!
I took up your challenge missy! Sort of...
I like your list and especially sitting with a drink in front of a fire with friends. Sweet.
I dont know if I have enough traditions yet to do this one. LOL.. I will think on it and see.
Well let me try it here Gardenia...
Do this year...
1. Mail Packages
2. Get tabletop tree
3. Think Positive
4. Bake
Used to do.
1. Make dinners for seniors
2. Put up big trees
3. Years back.. spend time with my family in California
4. Christmas Service
Want to do:
1. Christmas Service
2. See a Christmas display in a neighborhood.
3. See the boat displays if they have them in Gulf Shores
My Xmas traditions:
1) travel as much as I can
2) eat as much as I can
3) sleep as much as I can
I can do all! eh eh
This is great; I'll do it! ;)
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