The grill starts up....

Onion Ring Volcano

Trying to catch rice with mouth
We had a great time at my daughter's house. I got a Imachu Mabe for Christmas - if anyone knows how to cook with one on an electric stove, please let me know! Or any recipes?
My oldest grandson turned 17 and we all went to his favorite hibachi restaurant. He and his friend had their first try at sushi -that was cute to watch. The hibachi cook decided to throw rice at the boys to see if they could catch it in their mouths. We had a good time laughing.
We have had some serious cold snap here - it froze two nights in a row. Now, I need to get out and trim bushes (at least try) and put the trumpet flower trimmings in a bucket to reroot and plant in the spring.
Youngest daughter and I went to see Sweeney Todd last night. It was a good movie, except for the graphic blood scenes - the horror was in the graphic murders. As usual, Depp was brilliant and whoever played his daft girlfriend was good as well. In fact the whole cast was rather good I thought.
Don't know what I'm doing today. Not successful in my planning as I had determined to be. Maybe I need to order a filler for my Franklin Planner - well, I'm not THAT busy - that would be a waste of money.
Never been a place that sold sushi. Never tried that either. I have a hard time eating cooked fish and I dont think I could handle eating raw fish on top of that thought. But glad you guys had fun though.
Happy Birthday Oldest Grandson!!!! I'm waiting for Sweeney Todd to come out on video (like most movies). I'm determined not to go to a theater this year. I can't take the rudeness factor of most go-ers.
OK, I gotta ask...what's an "Imachu Mabe"? I Googled it and just got a list of guns. I don't think you'd be using guns on an electric stovetop. ;)
Now I'll eat almost anythin' but not sushi. I'd feel I was eating some'at that should still be swimmin' around....
Happy 17th mate
sushi is bettern snails
Oh how I love sushi... I could leave on it. Yum yum!
I have never been to a shushi bar. You sure make it look like fun!
I am dying to see Sweeny Todd. My Kayla is a HUGE Johnny fan, I can't see it without her. Can't wait to see it!
Great pics sounds like wonderful food!
Hey, I am rejoining humanity!! Been so busy with family. Was the best holiday of my life. Have decided not to go to PJC. Too busy with people in our lives. I have neatened up my studio/office and will start painting again. Isn't that what it was all about anyway?!!
I am going to Google an Imacha Mube! Have NO IDEA!
Happy New Year, Gardenia! The Hibatchi restaurant looks great. I heard Florida froze and that it was very damaging for the citrus industry...It's been a freaky winter all over the place so far.
Does Johnny Depp really sing?
Yes, Mr. Anchovy - I heard on E TV that they ask him and he said he thought he could - well, it's pretty impressive, although I know technology can help out a lot.... but......if you see it let me know what you think
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