Nice birthday gift - a jewelry making workshop! I get to pick which one I want to take. The artist giving the workshop does work of the type that evokes an emotion of awe. This morning I just dropped in his studio to pick up a pair of pliers and see HIS work and the studio setup, and ended up with a most pleasant visit and even more excitement about jewelry making. For such a dubious start, I am now gung-ho!
Stopped on the way home and purchased a pound of crawfish for the boy who had been asking for months now if it was crawfish season yet. Beats me how he can eat them outside of a nice etouffe. The deal was that he peeled them. I think I was taken for a ride so to speak, as I ended up buying them AND pealing them. Ick.
I'm feeling tired - need to adjust the diet I think - have to call the doc Monday and report in.
So cold (43 F) outside, with a cold rain, and that cold, cloudy look. I was really hoping for a snow so the boy could see what snow was like. Anyway the cold is invigorating still and not unpleasant, like in snow cold with 70 mph winds.
I mean
That piece of jewellery is a beauty.
That jewelery is beautiful. I like it.. Now on to crawfish neve had it and probably wont either.I dont care for fish. Yuckie. But now on to the weather. Very cold here as I told you in my e-mail. Yikes. Is it cold. I still havent warmed up all the way.
ehehehe 43 is tha high temp here is blow 30 at nite wen i went cali it was 19 on ha way there n back good thing we hasa 4x4 r we woulda had 2 stop n put on chains tha same as ev 1 else wo is that jewelry?
Thank you for the visit, don't stop
go full steam ahead. This piece your displaying," beautiful "
Thank you,
oooooooh puppy, freeze the hindquarters off, that weather you're having! This a.m. I don't know how cold it is, but can tell this is a Florida built house as the heat has been running all night and the house is cold........
I think that you may have been taken for a ride on the crawfish deal too! LOL.
That piece of jewelry is gorgeous :)
Beautiful jewelry.
It is SOooooo cold. Brrr. And I used to live in Michigan!
That piece is wonderful and beautiful. I think it is great he wanted you to have it. I am glad you are enjoying jewelry making now. You will have to keep me posted.
um, 43F is not cold. cmon up here and we'll show you some cold
My gosh, it really is cold down there...cold everywhere this winter,but I keep thinking of you in the warm. It's 11 here tonight...a local waterpipe broke...made the news and our street is shut down for a week.no water last night but restored today...but was -2 on Saturday!
The jewelery workshop sounds so AWESOME...
I think this sounds lieka rewarding endevevor first because how wonderful to wear what you make...and the gifts you can make. Plus...a whole new sense with new materials. I really look forward to hearing more.
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