Making metal jewelry - I've wanted to solder and work with metals for a long, long time! After finally getting the metal and the saw in my hands, I think I'll love it. But I should paint. Just sitting on the painting. Off to another adventure! Looking at books, I'm finding beautiful art in the metal smithing.
Watched the news this a.m. I know I promised I wouldn't anymore. BUT I fail. Found out that Tyra is interviewing Hillary about Bill's indiscretion, supposedly today. Not everyone will like this, but I think she would make a good president. Anyone that can go through that with their husband without killing them or leaving them will make a great President - especially with keeping their cool in heated situations. I'm also proud that she is fighting back against Obama. This is an exciting election. Anyway, I will hang around the house for the interview. I love Tyra anyway.
The only health care proposal I like is Dennis Kucinich's. And he doesn't stand a chance in whatever of winning anything.
I'm allowing myself a lazy day, a do anything or nothing day. The only pressing thing is to find my absentee ballot and get that mailed in and to go pick up some metal pliers.
The press is like a huge vulture waiting for Britteny to die. What would it feel like in such a screwed up condition, obviously contemplating suicide, knowing the press was lurking - waiting - . Child stars pay a high price for the money and fame.
The President is proposing giving low income people an "advance" on their tax refunds of next year. What if a refund isn't in the making next year? Owing IRS is about like owing one's soul to the devil.
The sun is shining today, a switch from our gray, raining days. But its still cold - 50 degrees F on the average.
My back doesn't hurt this morning. I love my new shoes. I wait anxiously for the eliptical to be delivered.
Well, to the ballot search....perhaps I can figure out how to get my new cameras photos to the computer as well.
Happy eliptical thingy....
It sounds a bit like some'at the Druids might have been into.
A bit like a half moon or some'at.
What the hell am I on about?....
As a woman who earns her living on her feet, I can say that proper shoes make ALL the difference in the world!
Good for you!! I love my treadmill. Though I don't sweat much. Wish I had tried the eliptical. . . oh well!
"The sun is shining today"
Hurrah!! So I hope it will have been a good, good day.
all u will do is reelect bill
oh, puppy - we'll see - seems like our elections only shake out to the lesser of two dreads anyway.
I am so glad your back was not hurting and I am glad you are enjoying your art.
How are you doing with your soldering. Now soldering is something I know something about and will help you in any way I can. However, I do not have a clue about how to make jewelry.
When you are done, will you teach me how to do jewelry?
I am with you on Hilary. Plush what else scares me is if we get a Republican in office again, we can kiss America goodbye completely as we once knew it.
Keep up the wonderful artwork...
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