We have had a lot of fog lately. I like it. It is still and quiet and adds another dimension to just being alive for the day.
I dropped the boy off at school and pulled into a Long Needle Pine Preserve. Like too many beautiful things on our earth, these southern forests are disappearing. Remember the two trees in my yard that disappeared, but everyone denied they were there...and I found the photo which established the fact that I was not insane, the trees were actually there--they were long needle pines.
I found the fog alluring and walked far back into the Preserve. The palmetto palms were twice as high as I had seen them anywhere. I hoped to run into an alligator - no, I mean I wanted to see an alligator in the wild. The only wildlife I encountered was the sounds of singing birds. I will go back in the summer when the pitcher plants bloom. These are also disappearing at an alarming rate. I want to paint them. When I first started painting, I had a period of painting endangered species of animals and earth.
I remember living in the woods In Alabama a few years back - I would go out and lay on top of the picnic table in the night, sometimes pulling a shawl over me for the night, and look up at the long needle pines against the deep blueness of the sky and wish with all my heart I could paint them: the deep night colors, the angle of looking up. I felt as if I were in another earth somewhere with these pines. My son died during that time and I bought his paints home with me. I still owe him that painting. I wish I had purchased that little mobile home out there in 'Bama on the bay. There were trails to walk, possums living under the shed, the smell of wet leaves and the bay within short walking distance.
When I drove to Mobile to see Dr. Lovely I encountered more fog. The horizon disappeared in fog, and the bridges I crossed disappeared into the fog. Another other-worldly experience it was.
Last night the birds sang all night--another reason I love Florida. I laid in a half slumber listening to them. Their song was absolutely heady.
Yep, I'm in an esoteric mood where I want to plant white flowers, moon flowers with blooms as big as dinner plates and a scent like no other, so I can sit on the patio at night with a bottle of wine, good music, and look up at the mystery of the two majestic long needle pines in my yard, watch the stars play off white blooms and inhale their scent and listen to the birds sing in the night. I would pick a bloom and hold it against my lips and be drunk with the sensation of petals. I could feel white with my lips, I would inhale white with my nose!

I think that surely there must be some place for me some day, a place of green, of moonlight and sunlight, tall pines and wild animals that come to the porch for food, abounding with nature and peace and the time to paint and create. Someday.
What beautiful images your words paint!
Your last paragraph sounds like my back yard, except it's white right now, not green.
We've had a bit of fog up here too...magic.
I love that picute of the forest it's gorgeous! Where is it?
Sorry I re=read your post Long Needle Pine Reserve...it's really stunning isn't it?
(I love the Pine Reserve in New Jersey...gorgous forests...)
I wonder how much that pine resere in Florida featured in the civil war? Pine forests in NJ were used for making cannon balls...the pine shad many uses first for fires...
Don't know Candy, will do a search - you would be interested probably to know there is a Fort here and old cannons sitting about town...maybe these trees were even used in the Civil War??
Don't know Candy, will do a search - you would be interested probably to know there is a Fort here and old cannons sitting about town...maybe these trees were even used in the Civil War??
I Do remember the post about the missing trees, and for the record, I never once thought that you were insane!
I could imagine myself, on that picnic table, looking at the night sky......
Glad to hear through your words that you are feeling better?? It makes such a beautiful painting listening or reading I should say to this.
when you find it, let me know. I'll join you.
I don't know how you did it, but you made a trailer on the 'bama bay sound good and enticing. Thats good writing!!!
This is sucha great post Gardenia, especially the last paragraphs, so full of melancholy and yet so full of hope too!
When you find the place for yourself, please let me know, because you will have found inner peace, and that is something I have been looking for for a looooooooong time.
Wow!! I love those pics. I too have an infinate love for Pine forests. My favorite is Torrey Pines outside of San Diego, where I used to spend full days with my camera taking pics of all sorts of things the Torrey Pines area holds.
Good to see you are feeling better.
It's funny how fog changes depending on your mood. It can be mysterious, or beautiful, or creepy.
happy valentines day
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