The joyous weekend is here! The sun is bright and beautiful. I have options this afternoon - "H" offered to take the boy to baseball practice so I can have the afternoon for whatever I want - that is so unusual! I can paint or I can garden! Or both! It will soon be sunbathing weather! Spring Vacation! Easter! All joyous times.
Hattigrace sent me an email about starting 40 days of positive thinking and a fast from negativity. Then another friend sent me a forward that was perfect along these lines as well! I think I will print that one for my bathroom mirror! I prayed last night for help in this area. Interesting, yes?
No, it won't be easy, there are lots of things that seem overwhelming and impossible to solve. But I'm giving it a go! Will fit in well with my '08 program - might has well heal the mind as well as the body.
Time alone is unusual for me, too, and when it comes I feel my energy flowing up with all the possibilities! Amazing how rejuvenating it can be. Happy for you.
A fast from negativity! Brilliant!
Enjoy your gardening or painting or both. :)
A negativity fast would be a wonderful idea for my family too. I don't know if we could go 40 days, but it would be worth a try!
Ohhhh this is such a great post!!
I love it when you write about your projects and hopes and are so positive about life and what it brings.
And I can tell you that I have no doubt the good weather has something to do with it: more light, more sun (even though too much heat is no good), more energy, everything!
I cant wait for us to be able to put the pool back up this spring and let the kids go at it and then sitting outside with a great book. Yeahh...
Oh isn't that a tough one? This was one of my New Years Revelations. Also part of a series my Pastor had done...
I hope you are doing well.
One more thing.. My prayer minister and I have been working on increase... This is one of the key elements I realized I needed to improve on for increase. Positive increase has been abundant since I decreased negativity in my life...
I will be in P'cola next week. Wanna do lunch? Sushi?
Nowts overwhelming babe, it just seems to be. Never let it be and you win.
I know (cause I'm an arrogant SOB but I don't mean to be)
Oh sheesh...I saw a program where people were trying to make it oneday without complaining...there was a fellow who said t took him 8 months to finally suceed.
I am not a big complainer...but I've tried this exercise and one thing I noticed was that ...slowly you can recognize "covert negativity"'s like sort of side ways complaining...which was very tricky.
I could so use a beach right about now.
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