Ms. Meowi in the twilight. She was still having trouble loosing fur, then looked like she was getting really bad bites from the other cats. Yesterday we went to the vet (which cost more than the specialist I saw today) and discovered she has fleas and had scratched herself and had some infection. I'm glad to know it wasn't the other cats chewing her up. Anyway, I had to cough up gazillion dollar bills for the visit and the meds, but already her eyes look more joyful. Psycho doesn't give a rip. And Big Meowi is concentrating on mainly getting more of those small cans of "wet" food. They all got doses of the flea meds and I have to buy some Borax to treat all our soft surfaces. That time of year I guess.
The clothing arrived today and I take back most of what I said about Victoria's Secret. (And vow to quit believing everything I read on the "net" pending more research - I learned that in marketing and forgot.) The underwears feel wonderful and everything was excellent quality. I got a lot for what I spent because everything but the racer back bra was on a super sale, which I wouldn't have spent had I known what the vet would cost. Service was superb. Now, I don't know about those slave labor claims - the underwear were from Israel.....
Anyway this leads to Day One of the 40 day negativity fast - abstaining from "I can't." At first I thought, this isn't me - there is nothing that I can't do if I want to do it. I've proven that. Then I began to think.....of the limitations I have with my back, the circumstances that I have to work around, and other "I cant's......." Why do I keep SAYING - I can't ????? I am a believer that if we say something long enough - we get it. Dwelling on "I cant's" will eventually bring one down to the pits. Dwelling on the "I can's" brings me to higher places and makes me happy instead of sad.
Day Two dealt with lack - lack and lack of faith that my needs will be met. I have continually seen my needs met - why would I want to think so negatively? Of course my needs are met. This is so tied in with "I can't." It is so true that our decisions are controlled by our thought life. If we stay in the negative we make decisions based on the negative and fear and the decisions will bring about the very thing we fear!
This ties in with the vet trip and my doctor's trip today after buying a few clothes. Does God say I have to make a choice? Where is that coming from? The belief that it's my cat or me....can't have two doc bills in one week, don't deserve clothes that don't fall off the shoulders or slide down the hips - my goodness no, the world will crash. Will it really - of course not! The money won't drop in my lap from the sky - but it will work out, I believe it will, and I CAN! These things are needs, not wants.....I can manage - of course I CAN!
These aren't the sum of the daily email, but what they spoke to me.
Night, all.
This is a great post. I believe I can't Creates Self Fullfilled Prophecies. Some people state they are in awe of what I achieve against all odds. I went to a program called lifespring a number of years ago. They had us do an excercize there. The excersize was each of us had to go from one side of the room to the other differently and not replicated. The point of the excersize was there is an endless supply of means of transportation. In the cases of I can't, it is simply a matter of using an alternate means of transportation to make it happen. I hope I did not sound arrogant, as that is not my intent.
For some time I had caught myself falling into the I cant trap after my bone cancer. The day I walked away from inhome care and where I lived was the best decision I could have made for myself as I have found there truly is nothing I cannot do if I want it bad enough.
Love you
So true about learning and using the alternate ways.....
Sounds like great advice. I will have my chapter 5 review up on Tolles book later this afternoon.
This is beautiful...
as soon as I read the first sentence, I knew it was fleas...poor cat! (I used to work in animal hospital)
This project is very difficult about fasting from negativity (I posted a quick thought in previous post) but it's also so eye opening...there was an amazing chapter on "complaining" in the Tolle book...and how it's a trcik of our ego...it is very comtrolling and oppresive when you start to recognize all the forms of complainigng...
Wonderful posts as usual...and I am glad to hear you are pleased with your clothes! Wonderful...it's fun to feel cute and sexy while working on transforming one self heh heh!
I am really struggling with some things right now. It seems like there is always a road block in my way...I am going to work on the 'I can'ts' and see what happens.
My faith has been strong the past ten years or so, either.
Another thng to work on :)
biddie - I sent you the link....I'm trusting for results for myself and those who go on this 40 day journey!
With all the pets we've had, I'm surprised that we've never been plagued by fleas! My boss' dachsund got them once, and it took her months to clear them out of the house completely.
Why is it that every time we try to improve our outlook on life, everything falls apart?
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