Came back to this beauty - the rest of garden is full of weeds and the tomatoes are done as well as the other vegetables so I will be relegated to the farmers' markets for the rest of the summer until I learn more about gardening in Florida.
Naps and sleep - and back to regular diet - starting to feel a bit normal so far this a.m.
There are only pics of dogs for my Wyoming trip - that usually sums up visits to my mother's. I will post them - they are a fairly good bunch - entertaining and I fell for a bouncy, a bit obnoxious but totally CUTE Whippet, pic to follow - only dog that ever would obey me, so she won me over. (My cats seem depressed, dried up, and in need of TLC in only ten days....I don't know what happened while I was gone. Big Meowie acted afraid I would hit him, my poor timid beautiful baby. Today I am going to get them some canned salmon and hopefully we can bathe them - grandson will help with 20 pound big mamma, Ms. Meowie. Despite flea treatment her white underbelly is crawling - fleas so love white fur.)
I did get all my boxes out of the garage - hooray! My mother was a total grouch until it was all completed, but after then we had a nice time. It wasn't as terribly hot as I feared it would be. The doctor in his infinite wisdom gave me a prescription for the trip for muscle relaxers and things went fairly well.
Two of my friends drove hours to come see me, bless their hearts. We had good visits, and I was able to see my sister for about half a day. My friends told me I looked like a different person, that was fun. She was tied up with a class reunion pretty much and spent time with her son and the trip was over too fast.
The return flight which took part of an afternoon and all night long was miserable, totally miserable. I should have been able to read an entire 400 page novel, but only got a few pages into my return trip book.
So, back to normal. Sort of. Wedding plans still progress on........I'm spending all the time with grandson that I can. School is only about 3 weeks away.....the wedding is two weeks away - their honeymoon will be in Biloxi - old folks' heaven I call it - when I go there, which has been years now since, I see old people who look like they need to spend money on clothing and some self care, often hauling oxygen tanks - and the incessant sound of gambling starts to grate on my nerves, so I leave for a nearby small southern town where there is a unique artists' commune and a museum. Perhaps there will be some good shows there - the food is usually always good where there are casinos.
I found a slinky, black chiffon across the chest, with a band of faux rhinestones under the bust, fabulous sale outfit for the wedding and my shoes came in. I just need some rhinestone/fake rhinestone earrings. And where will I wear that after the wedding? Who knows? Maybe I will start responding to all the wedding invitations I receive from people at church. Not. Go to a wedding so you can wear your outfit? How superficial is that? But everyone should have one black, slinky outfit in the closet in case something special comes up.
This week we have centerpieces to assemble. And I wonder why I have a hard time painting.
Ah, maybe the winter will bring time with it. Suppose? The house needs painted on the inside and upkeep on the outside - I've been trying to paint the front door for a year and one-half - lots of all projects on the list.
Well glad you are back in one piece. That was great old friends came to visit. That is the best part of traveling I think. I have said it before I have never been on a plane but Jeff has when he went into the the Military in 98. And came home 3 weeks later.
Welcome back Gardenia!! Whooo hoooo the beautiful woman is back! And back with the hibiscus flowering (I think it's hibiscus, no?)
Gosh, you had one busy time during your travels ah? And wasn't it wonderfully heart warming to meet up your friends who drove hours just for you?
It reads like your coming months at home will be super busy too.
Will you post a picture of your chiffon dress? And the shoes?
I did the centerpieces for SME's wedding too...saved a FORTUNE!
LOL, I've had the same winter "round tuit" list for the past 3 winters. This winter, I will definitely find the time to do my 2 baskets of mending, alter and hang the new living room curtains, AND organize our digital photos...yeah right. ;)
Welcome back home and blog! Sometimes the shock of a house after being away can overload one...don't let it. What can you do except start one project and keep on plugging.
I just got back at 5 a.m. this morning. Lots to do around here too...maybe not as wild as your place, but it always feels strange.
Your dress sounds classic and sexy. Way to go!
I am s glad your friends had positive feedback for all the work you've done for yourself and health. Your photo looks fantastic you gorgeous woman you!
Glad you're back safe & sound, but I'm sorry your garden is a mess. I know that's going to be a pain the you-know-what.
Fleas? Yuck! Not fun. There are some easy, effective treatments out there that don't require bathing cats, because I know exactly how fun that is, right? Poor kitties, though.
Welcome back. What a great Hibibcus flower. I don't bathe my cats, there are things you can just wipe them down with that work well, check out your local wallyworld, they are pretty cheapthere,
sorry bout the garden. had i lived closer i would have gladly have taken it on as a project. glad you had a good time with old friends who cared enough to go out of their way to see you. i can see why they would. :-)
i love you and welcome home
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