I don't go out back much this year - I don't know why. Today I looked out through the patio doors and was flooded with green beauty of my little area of the world. I so appreciate it. There are banana trees, red berry bushes, some holly, an orange tree that the birds are already beginning to peck on the oranges - I need to get a tent over it, a lemon tree - well, bush, a crepe myrtle, some native trees and and a native "green garden."
I am beginning to see some mutant wasps that are doing the job of pollinating. They are living in the walls of the house. I am torn between trying to destroy them and realizing that in regard to pollination - "someone (something) has got to do it." They have not been aggressive. Only one lone bee visited and fewer and fewer dragonflies appear each year. I have worms now - which is a great sign - it means the soil is improving.
Under the orange tree is what is left of my once magnificent gardenia bush.
I need more color - this winter I will do some research and find out what I should plant for color. When I first moved here I planted some flower beds in back, but they were completely obliterated while I was gone, and now I'm lucky to get anything out - I have in my mind, some rather romantic and sexy looking gardens - ah, we'll see what time brings. The red berry bush is spectacular in the winter. The holly just sort of sits there - boring.
I'll be gone starting day after tomorrow for about ten days. I dread the trip. I have always had trip anxiety - just a dread of leaving town - usually turns out great, and I don't let it stop me, its just uncomfortable.
Finally have my tickets straight - I think - I'm worried sick about leaving grandson - I guess ten days is better than two years - lots of paperwork hanging in the air along with suspense about will "H" be employed four months from now - will there be any hurricanes - will they remember to water the flowers - will I be able to get around and see everyone I should see out in Wyo? Can I get water, meds on plane ok? My daughter told me she had to pay $7.00 for a bottle of water at the airport - I can go without it on the way out - but coming back will be a 17 hour trip - next time I will drive, God willing....
So, gosh, what will you all do when I am not posting worry-worry stuff? Will stay in touch as I can.
Have a good trip, most beautiful lady!! Oh you ARE a beauty, Gardenia! And your garden looks so tidy and clean.
You know you say about the dragonflies disappearing.... all the ordinary bees have disppeared here in the UK -and instead we get the biggest, slimiest slugs you can ever imagine.
Can I just say you look amazing? Whatever you're doing, it's the right path for you! (And if you could sell it, I'd definitely buy some...)
Your back yard is as big as my entire house! This is what I love about America: you guys really know how to build beautiful large homes.
Well, my home is considered a cottage really - and too small for two families - but I'm ever so thankful to have it, so thankful. "H" loves/hates the yard - he mows. Neighbor trims - nice neighbor. Yeh, I look better - just one determined woman here wanting to take her life back.
Have a great time, Gardenia. You deserve to have some down time.
I LOVE your yard. Ours is always a mess, or just plain forgotten.
Oh, I smiled when I saw your smiling face.
I am back and now you are leaving! Art Party this Sunday but you will be gone. Errrr! May God be with you in a special way and with your gee-son, too.
lotsa love!
We'll MISS you, that's what we'll do!
We have tons of dragonflies, but then we also live less than a mile from a lake.
Will miss you but have tons of fun and take loads of pix for us.. Hugs N..
Nice garden!
I'm just back from a camping trip and am catching up. By now, you're probably in Wyoming...I hope it's going well. I hope you aren't overheated in your mother's garage...If it's anything like our current weather, it'll be stinking hot. Take care!!
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