I love to cook! Dinner last night started with a cup of capuccino to keep the energy going!

A great cup of coffee and dinner always has the perfect beginning with pure, oxygenated CLEAN energizing water. Virgin olive oil helps too!!!

Getting out my pasta set of bowls felt really good - and was appreciated by my "boys." Which ones? Ah, guess - well, of course, grandson was one!

Baby Spinach salad with onions, boiled eggs, and a warm dressing made with olive oil and horseradish mustard was too yummy!

Come and get it!

My hand painted stools were going to go into my garage sale, but I've changed my mind - they go with an Italian dinner, I think!
Don't you dare sell those beautiful stools!
I'm sure your pasta dinner was "delizioso". Pasta is such a convivial food, isn't it? I love a big bowl full of spaghetti in the middle of the table!
I love the crocks - and I second Red: do NOT sell those stools - they're fantastic! Sounds like an awesome meal!
I LOVE your stools!
I like the stools too.
Don't give those stools away, don't sell them!!!! No no no! As soon as I saw them I said 'WOW!!!! Zorro! Look at these!!' and he loves them too. Really beautiful they are.
Ahhhh pasta! That's one of the best dishes to cook when people are around.
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those stools are great! I think we will have hot Italian sausage baked in squash for dinner...I haven't finished thinking about how to make it quite yet, tho.
Beautiful! I love the dishes and the bar stools they are delightful. Dinner sounded yummy too. I bet your grandson feels special sitting at the counter with you two all grown up style.
I love this colorful cheery post. That salad! Those pasta bowls! Those stools!
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