Just a bit confused down here in the States. I'm wondering - who in the heck is Jo(e) Sixpack? A man, Joe? A woman, Jo? What kind of six pack? And why am I being referred to by that term? The only six pack that has been in my house for years and years is V-8 Juice. Spicy and regular.
Should it be a generic moniker? "Hey, all you Generic Jo(e) Sixpacks out there!" That would include individual orange juices, V-8, beer, maybe even wine coolers, uh, let's see - cat food, the small cans? Ahhhh, the flea medicine came in a six pack.
Oh, I have had a bottle of wine here now and then but I have not been called "Amy Wine House."
Then, just recently up pops Jo(e) the plumber! Is it Jo, a woman in a non-traditional occupation? OR, is it Joe, both or one or the other might be a good candidate to reroute those connections Obama has to all the "terrorist" underworld characters (unproven).
Hey, what happened to all those Chuck's, Harry's, Mike's, - since Jo(e) can be either a male or female name, well, dog gone it, that is why I wonder if Jo(e) is really a REALLY buff woman and we've been misinterpreting it? But where does that leave us less than hard bodied women? Then we HAVE to vote for Obama, cuz I bet he has one form of that sixpack under that neatly pressed shirt!!! Because I would feel as if we just had to have a six pack Prez. I bet he does.
And why is a $250,000 a year plumber having a hard time expanding his business? Do we make so little compared to that that we really are pretty ignorant about that? I'm trying to start a biz on waaaaaaaaaaaaay less than that. I mean, for $250,000 a year, I would send "H" to "re-train" and get a new occupation! Pronto!
Somebody - help me, I'm feeling dooowwwwn, pleeeese, help me - anyone remember that old Beetle's song?
Please, don't anyone be offended - I've just finally lost it - and trying to find some sort of humor in all the craziness - thank goodness we don't have long to go now. If I don't start making funny of the whole crazy thing, all my TVs will be sitting on the sidewalk in front of the house for anyone silly enough to pick them up.
I wish our PM was hiding a six pack under his blue sweaters, but alas...NO.
All this Joe Sixpack and Joe the Plumber talk makes me cringe when they say it. Obama looked, rightfully, embarrassed when McCain brought it up the other night...
Your politicians don't have a high opinion of the intelligence of the average voter. Ours are no different.
Exactly - all this crap is an insult to our intelligence.....and I am cringing too.
Hi Gardenia, I totally didn't know what all the speeches and news pundits were talking about with Joe the Plumber. Then I saw a clip with him talking...and I still don't understand it all. I think Mister Anchovy has it though...the politicians think they can fool us by talking about "regular folks" and if they sound like they understand us we will vote for them. They think voters (and most people) are stupid.
I agree....
It certainly IS an insult to our intelligence!!
I vote for anarchy! Hey, at least it wasn't Jo(e) Mama they were talking about! Buck up m,dear, i'm nuts enough for the whole world!!!!
Have to admit we saw that part too. I thought it was pathetic. I mean you are right about a person trying to start a business. If he's been working for this business for a long time and he wants to buy it I think he should take the investment and run with it.
Punxxi - I am cracking up! Not laughing out loud, but rolling on the floor laughing...
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