I'm taking a poll - should I get my hair done platinum blonde? I think it would be a hoot for a while. Uh, don't ask me who KiKi Kannibal is - don't even know how her photo got on my computer. Of course I will not look like KiKi (she must be all of 14) - but that's ok - I really don't care, really. She just has pretty white hair. I just enjoy change - and something out of the norm, of course. And on a practical note, when my hair is not chemically altered, it has the texture of long unruly curly cat fur. I need more control.
Nothing serious tonight - I just am completely frivolous and superfluous for the moment. No angst, no emo, no political indignation. I've passed up on the political part to step back and become a pray-er. I'm tired of news, of fighting, of lies, of endless analysis, etc., etc.
Today I only accomplished 1/3 of my to-do list. My Franklin Planner showed up and I am compiling appointments, task lists, etc., etc. I've lived by the planner since the early 80's and without it chaos reigns. Its an old fashioned, write it with a pencil planner. Love it. I also keep a Yahoo calendar so my kids can plan my babysitting around it - hopefully.
A "new" refurbished sewing machine sits on my kitchen table. I look at it. I look at the instruction booklet. I look at the closet with too big clothes and envision fixing that. Maybe tomorrow. Will have to go to Walmart for needles, pins, thread - - and wade through learning about a 2008 machine that is plastic and computerized instead of metal and easy to learn. I dawdle.
I have a box of fun materials waiting, just waiting for . . . something.
I looked out the window into the back yard today and almost fainted - the rain has pushed the weeds up as high as my head - this will be a real tug of war. I need a dog. I could harness him and have him pull - - a very big dog, an elephant dog. My dream dog would do that for me.
The diet has been tackled once again with a vengeance - I have to get unstuck and finish this thing! Seven pounds fell off but I'm afraid to get on the scale and see if it stayed off.
There is a new TV series that just finished its pilot - its fun if you are a sci fi fan - its title: "Sanctuary." It's on tomorrow night at 9 pm central time in the U.S. I can't wait!!!!! Hope I get grandson this weekend too - jees, I miss him. If you have a child in and during their teen years, you are ready for them to move on - but he's still a nice kid - oh, just kidding. I never did do well as each child exited whether they were in their naughty or nice stage - can't get it in my head, my job is 99% done in that area. Sigh.
It would be easier if someone would give me a red convertible and a gas card along with the platinum hair. I would drive down the Florida coast on the east side, down to Key West, and then up the west side back home. And then, sew.
have fun with your hair if it makes you feel good.
Go for it, Woman! I mean, really! What have you go to lose? It's hair; it grows back!
the only problem with really platinum hair is that it makes your features look somewhat harsh.my hair is blonde, caramel and dark blonde mixed right now, but for fun last year i dyed the underneath part burgandy it was fun and whenit fades out it goes to a decent color of brownish caramel. convrtables are fun fun fun, i love my little solstice, even if it rains all winter!
I think you would look aweome. And like Punxxi says it can affect your skin tone...but that is with all blonde hair.
When I first bleached my hair...I was surprised to find out how much I needed to change my make up and actually...needed a bit more make up!
All doable.
Maybe you can go into a department store and find a MAC representative and they can give you some advice?
Can't wait to see the pics...and then you can get some of those cute inexpensive "extentions" (at Hot Topic?" to add when you and the hubby go oout for dinner.
oh and that Kiki who ever she is is adorable!
Yah, I checked up on KiKi - she's a bright kid who has built a website with some products she's selling....smart girl. I still don't know where I got that picture!
Hmmmm, new hair, new makeup? Yoiks - maybe I better go try on a blonde wig first - although I have a lot of white around my face already so - - hmmmmm - well, I'll analyze it to death probably.
You just need a good goat for your weeds!
I think you should go for the hair too!!!!
It is,afterall, just hair and if it makes you feel fun...go for it.
You are artistic and will understand how to adjust your make-up.
Did you get my email answering your hair color questions? Love the post ab your grandmother.
Funny that you are thinking about having fun with your hair: I am planning to dye mine jet black!
Maybe we should co-ordinate the timings of our hair jobs and then post the results.
I think you would look FAB in platinum blond!
I live in fear that my 32-yr-old sewing machine will die! I know how to use all the features on my machine, and it does everything I need it to do. We're old friends.
Well, just for the heck of it, I will. Milla - good idea if the timing works - we could do it!
I still am looking at the sewing machine like it is Mount Everest! I have one that is from 1947 - a little Singer - I want to try to fire it up too - its VERY
simple, yet I've sewn suits with it! I was shocked when looking at the newer machines - fragile plastic parts - - plastic bodies (easier to carry around though) - so they are making those "disposable" now to keep us buying - used to a sewing machine would last for several generations - my mother still has HER mother's foot rocker sewing machine.
My Mom has one of those old Singers too. I sewed a lot of clothes on it. My Dad even used it to sew canvas!
My machine is a 1976 Sears. It was one of the first open-arm machines. It makes button-holes, and has a stretch stitch for knit material. It also has an embroidery stitch that appliques beautifully. Those new computerized plastic machines scare the hell out of me!
Good luck with yours!
I have one of those new plastic machines, but it works for me because I was too busy playing football and baseball to learn anything so girly as sewing. I do very simple patterns and repairs and that is good enough for me !
Gardenia, let's do it!
Yes yes yes! I could only do it over a week-end. Oh it would be so FAB!
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