New Tag!
A - Available/Single or Taken? Taken.
B - Best Friend? My girls.
C - Cake or pie? Neither, sugar makes me sorry.
D - Drink Of Choice? Champagne & Orange Juice (Le Mimosa!)
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? Olay
F - Favourite Color? Green (like grass, trees, earth greens)
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Neither after reading Blue Apple's discovery.
H - Hometown? Rawlins, Wyoming (BUT I am never going back ever again, if I could I would dig up my relatives bones and take them out of here with me!)
I - Indulgence? I am bidding on a Barefoot Dreams Robe. Ah wants it.
J - February? February, the gaiety of Mardi Gras, and its that much closer to spring!
K - Kids & Their Names? Oh, definitely Christian, Taylor & Sagie Bear.
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? Family
M - Marriage date? Uh - March 3, 1973 (last time - still married.)
Trying not to remember previous ones.
N - Number Of Siblings? Counting some I've never seen, steps & 1/2's - 4
O - Oranges Or Apples? Depends on my mood.
P - Phobias/Fears? Living on the streets. Getting chronically ill.
Q - Favourite Quote? Since my political fiasco? “It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. “ David Brin
A - Available/Single or Taken? Taken.
B - Best Friend? My girls.
C - Cake or pie? Neither, sugar makes me sorry.
D - Drink Of Choice? Champagne & Orange Juice (Le Mimosa!)
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? Olay
F - Favourite Color? Green (like grass, trees, earth greens)
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Neither after reading Blue Apple's discovery.
H - Hometown? Rawlins, Wyoming (BUT I am never going back ever again, if I could I would dig up my relatives bones and take them out of here with me!)
I - Indulgence? I am bidding on a Barefoot Dreams Robe. Ah wants it.
J - February? February, the gaiety of Mardi Gras, and its that much closer to spring!
K - Kids & Their Names? Oh, definitely Christian, Taylor & Sagie Bear.
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? Family
M - Marriage date? Uh - March 3, 1973 (last time - still married.)
Trying not to remember previous ones.
N - Number Of Siblings? Counting some I've never seen, steps & 1/2's - 4
O - Oranges Or Apples? Depends on my mood.
P - Phobias/Fears? Living on the streets. Getting chronically ill.
Q - Favourite Quote? Since my political fiasco? “It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. “ David Brin
R - Reason to Smile? Sunsets, dolphins, bays, beaches, good art, grandkid arms around my neck
S - Season? Spring or Fall? Neither - I would love a perpetual summer
T - Tag 3 or 4 people? Life, Pickled Olives, TSHM, Puppy, "L," my sister (if you're all packed.)
U - Unknown Fact About Me? None, I blab all
V - Vegetable you don’t like? stewed tomatoes
W -Worst Habit? Right now - procrastination - happens every time I need to pack
X - How many xrays have you had? Too many to count.
Y - Your Favorite Food? uh, that's really hard - great sushi?
Z – Zodiac sign? Capricorn, why oh why. We're supposed to be stable aren't we?
S - Season? Spring or Fall? Neither - I would love a perpetual summer
T - Tag 3 or 4 people? Life, Pickled Olives, TSHM, Puppy, "L," my sister (if you're all packed.)
U - Unknown Fact About Me? None, I blab all
V - Vegetable you don’t like? stewed tomatoes
W -Worst Habit? Right now - procrastination - happens every time I need to pack
X - How many xrays have you had? Too many to count.
Y - Your Favorite Food? uh, that's really hard - great sushi?
Z – Zodiac sign? Capricorn, why oh why. We're supposed to be stable aren't we?
My tag is up.
You and I are all about family and nature, aren't we? ;)
Nice answers. And I noticed your tag... :0)
Like the quote!
uhhh, not to be a pain scientist type but tomatoes are fruit not veg;-)
Yay I found you:-)
I'm tagged? Oh no! Too much to think about....I'll get started on it tomorrow...
snowbug, glad to see you came on over to visit! always a lot of confusion about tomatoes, huh? Even the grocers keep them in the vegetable section rather than with the fruits.
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