Ms. Meowi charmed everyone in sight, which is her talent and inclination.
We found out that we need a minimum of 4-5 litter boxes for 3 cats. Holy cow! A small jar of "Cat Attractant" (that makes cats WANT to go in the litter box, not right next to it! - We'll see) costs $18.00. Now, adding up the "Attractant" and the litter costs, what are we going to use for gas money?
Then, on the way home, my old boss called and asked me to come in and discuss filling a position at his place of business. I scrambled into a business suit and swallowed some Aleve thinking that after my afternoon treatment, I might not be able to walk upright without a cane into his business, then what would he think!
THEN, ran to doctor for treatment, and a miracle occurred and I was not in awful pain during the treatment. I had to struggle to my feet and getting out to the car was slow and difficult, but it was in the "I can handle this range" - not awful. Have I crossed a marker into less pain? Yay? I hope, I hope. Weekends off from treatment!
THEN, to the interview, with my back brace which was laced so tight it was pushing my cleavage up under my chin. It was also pulling my pants up two inches too short. My hair is way overdo for a cut - I was not at my best. Had a nice discussion for an hour, also explained I would need some time for treatment - we negotiated, but did not finalize anything. We'll see. He has one more interview to go. I'm beginning to enjoy being home - uh, the time that I have spent at home anyway. I'm just getting to the point I'm not exhausted to the point of collapse from the last position.
Since my daughter is a nurse, I cajolled her into medicating Ms. Meowi - Psycho has his own anti-pee-pee-onna-nurse-uniform pills.
In the meantime, hubby called to tell me little grandson had asked him to pray with him to receive Christ. Initiated by little grandson - awwwwww. So I stopped at our favorite ice cream store and bought his little heart something he had been drooling for and asking about for a long time - an ICE CREAM CAKE! We had a short celebration. It was yummy.

Now, to lay down for a bit.......
it sound better 4 u now im glad:o)
It does sound like you're feeling better - more UP, anyway.
Ice cream cake sounds lovely....
Less pain, a possible job AND an icecream cake? Could your day get any better?
Sounds like the treatments are working (yay!!!). And now a possible job? Things are certainly looking up for you. I'm happy for you G!
WHOA, that sounds like an insanely busy day!!
How did the interview go?
good luck with the cat peeing beside the litter box....I'm willing to bet that 18 litter boxes and a mountain of cat attractant isn't going to change that behaviour (yes, this is the sad voice of experience). By some fluke, we discovered that ours is quite willing to pee on a rubber welcome mat, which beats the heck out of the floor, but never, never, never will she pee in the litter box.
Sounds like things are looking up in sunny Florida, and that's good to hear! Good on ya, girl!
Yes, you sound more up my love. good! Great! It really sounds lie some healing and the treatment has set you straight a bit. I think it must have felt good on some level to go for a job interview yes?
Oh the photo of the cats is lovely such good company.
what an intense day I bet you SLEPT that night!
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