Pit Bull puppy still escaping next door - this pic looks over that house, which has also lost its yard by now. Little guy digs out of the back yard and knows cats live here - usually peacefully sunning themselves on the porch. Now, one on one, a cat can totally do a dog in, especially a puppy. But Psycho, the kitty who stays outdoors the most, has no front claws and does not know yet what damage his back claws can do - he talks a good fight, but, face it, he runs. Ms. Meowi goes outside to sun supervised until she is sure of where she lives. She has sabers for claws. However, the puppy is very aggressive for a pup and I am afraid the kitties will be hurt. Which is not fair, because it is THEIR yard (space) the puppy is intruding into. Neighbors seem to be getting fed up with a pit bull running the neighborhood as well....so we shall see what happens.
Off today to see if a local attorney will step in for the Wyoming attorney who will not return my phone calls, so I can get my auto insurance company to fork over some money to care for my back. Also I need to get into a doctor, a clinic, or something . With an HMO - that'll be tricky on a Friday. Even without an HMO that is tricky on a Friday. Where is that policy outline? Maybe a walk-in clinic is covered. My allergy cough has progressed and from experience I can tell I have bronchitis and need antibiotics to get over the hump. Sitting here at the computer with chills and just wanting to climb back to bed.
You have so much going on!!!! Hopefully the transfer from one atty to the other atty will be seamless.
p.o. I know! I just wish life would calm down so I could sit down and read a book or paint - I've finally got a few holes dug out here for myself - and self accessories - like paints, etc. Now, off to get paperwork copied! My appt is tomorrow - not sure if he understands accident was in WY - we'll see what happens!
ammonia in a squirt gun ...shoot puppy hell goway
Hmmmmm, I will try Pup's trick on neighbor cat that insists on sleeping on my P.T. Cruiser, so every morning I have to take a lint roller to remove the HUNKS of sandy cat hair from the convertable top.
It was bad enough when Dot's dear Biscuit was the fur dropping offender. I made a cover for the car so I would not be huffing and puffing every morning.
But all this labor for a cat I really don't like, b/c it was the one that came into our yard and attacked our Biscuit, to the point of her limping.
Blah, blah, blah. . . just trying to say, with way too many words, that I FULLY understand your frustration about the intruding Pit Bully.
Hopefully Pup's trick will help us both, eh?!
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