Feeling sorry for myself as I am so sick I am housebound, I began to look for a picture to depict my misery. I ran across this website
It is about 25 million people dying in a generation, even a shorter span than a generation. It is about war when people need medicine. It is about suffering that I will never know.
In November I was supposed to travel to South Africa with some friends with the goal of seeing this crisis first hand and coming back to the U.S. with a message. I backed out because my health has been so crappy. I backed out and it makes me feel really bad about it.
I see things like this and it makes me grateful for what I do have. We are so lucky here in Canada. I have have a hard time paying for my meds, but life saving vaccines are always free. Sometimes, I think that all forget how lucky we are.
Isn't that such a great organization? You shouldn't feel bad about backing out. If you're not healthy, you aren't able to help others. Take care of yourself first, and then, when you're better and able to do so, you can start helping.
you can't do everything all the time.
I see this picture and the weight of the world bears down and reminds me that help is needed for so many. My heart cries for them.
If you are unable to travel, now is not the time for you to help them. You need to be able to carry their message and today, you are, through your blog. For now, take care of you so you can continue to care for them later. You are a good soul. :)
You can't punish yourself for backing out of the SA trip. I think it was the only path open to you -- the only sensible one, anyway. As Karen says, if you're not healthy, how can you help others? Chin up, my girl.
exactly, you can't help people if you're sick yourself, so feel better, take care and when you're able, you'll help!
One of the docs here recently went to Africa and by her own admission was truly humbled by the plight of so many. She and I have been sending what OSHA/WISHA etc., etc., consider unusable items..(outdated vitamins, needles, gloves) anything we can get our hands on...and Swedish Hospital has made a committment to support efforts to send much needed medical supplies to those who have none. It really is terrible..using the same needles over and over again because there aren't any others. Re-using gloves. All things we in the medical field surely do take for granted. Prayers for returned health to you and prayers for help for those in need
Don't feel bad about it. Politics is corrupt and no more so than in Africa. These people are dying because thier own kind are running the show and either haven't a clue or don't care as they get themselves rich. Our politicians get away with it without mass deaths because we have the resources to survive regardless of them. In Africa they frequently don't. I don't feel even remotely guilty about dying Africans because I can't stop our lot being corrupt so I've no chance there. Life's a bitch and then you die. Just don't get re-incarnated as an African.
I am sorry you are feeling so cruddy...I hope as you get to your blog today, maybe it's morning when you read this comment...you've had a bit of a good nights sleep and feel better. Thinking of you
Candy HUgs
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