I isss the leader of a three member cat gang who terrorizessss the human house until 3:30 a.m. But hisss not my fault. Psycho getssssss mad after numerous attempts at jumping up and trying to turn door knob to get out. You ssssssssseee, he hassss a job. He hisss rat killer. However, humanssss do not appreciate asss he tries to bring ded ratsss into houssssse.
So we all being mad humanssss not let usssss out ssside, we scream all night, we fights, we runsssssssss, we knock dishes off cupboard, and when human sleep, wheeeeee runsss over her and claw her bloody. You might think the Senior Meowie wasss innocent. Hisss job was to claw the new sofa. Why human grouchy thissss morning?
Ah, the life of a cat.
I would be afraid of the cat-gang. Them seem to have it all figured out...
Has your cat been emailing my cat? Seems they have the same game plan...
MainMannCoon Boy,
He email me ..say sssomtinga ssssounna like he was blackmale. He justa follow orders from crazed femail. :/
Yowzwers, I would be M A D!!!!!!!!!! They might have their suitcases packed if they did that here. DO NOT mess with my sleep or tear up my house.
Or why I have a 4 pound dog!!!!!
I thinks I need a bossy rottweiler to take care of these varmits.
He or she looks so innocent sitting there while you take the photo though. I hope they get it out of there system soon to go ratting. LOL..
A rottweiler, or ANY dog for that matter, wouldn't stand a chance against your "gang"! ;)
He's got a lisp?? Magic!
Handsome lad n all
Wonderful! I believe our Pisko will come over to you to sort out your gang. He's darn cool he is.
Oops! Cats are funny!
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