Grandson gathered the fruit of a Butia Capitata in our front yard. We decided to make Butia Palm Fruit Jelly. Any self-respecting southern male of the 21st Century should know how to make palm jelly, right?
The palm tree in our front yard was loaded with golden "fruits." We bravely tested one - tastes like an apricot with lemon juice in it, and its a tad bit "smokey." What fun!
This will be like some of the crazy things the kids and I did in Iowa like searching for a pig head in order to make head cheese. Never did find one. Thank goodness. We made sauerkraut, because I did not think the old arts should die out. One of my daughters thinks these activities are totally senseless as long as there is a Walmart about.
But I'm thinking, weren't the old ways more conserving of our planet's resources? And speaking of resourcefulness - I'll let you know how the jelly turns out! Gads, none of us even like jelly. But a challenge is a challenge. Maybe, if it turns out, we can use it for the science project? or gifts for northern friends? (Hmmm, I remember the boiled peanuts one year went over like lead balloons - don't worry, I won't afflict anyone with butia jelly!) Anyway, the boy is excited!!!!!
I missed all the fun in Grandma's kitchen (Get out from under my feet you bother me!)and Mum sure was not a gourmet cook, but I do remember sitting for hours with a bobbie pin plucking the pits of Bing cherries. The pulp was then made into jelly and if we were lucky some of it wouldn't set and we would have syrup for a waffle supper. yum!
In Casper I used to make chokecherry jelly every year just after school started. I have never tasted anything like it, and it is still my favorite.
I had two Rainier cherry trees in my back yard, HAD, and never got much more than enough to eat and a little to share with the neighbors. The birds, the squirrels and the raccoons
all felt they had first rights to the fruits.
I wouldn't be afraid of a little jelly but just don't send a fruitcake!
Do you remember the bread we made in Iowa on Christmas Eve..I think with cottage cheese and baked in corning ware??
Good luck with the Butia Capitata!
You got me curiosity up on this one!!!
Never heard of Butia Capitata, but anything that tastes like smokey lemony apricot can't be bad... or can it? How exciting, though! I would love to learn to make jelly (I assume that's what we in the UK call jam, right?). Maybe you can post the recipe if it turns out to be a success!
Ah, V., its a wonder you want to make jelly at all! No one taught me to cook either - I just watched. Then I had shoe leather steak, (remember "gristle?") grease, potatoes, chocolate chips shoved and me with the command, "COOK!" I do remember having a rotten tomato thrown at me - it landed.
We have no squirrels - can't figure that out - do they not like salt air? Yes, the bread! I am going to try to make the bread recipe of Mr. Anchovy's - the olive bread.
If this jelly is anything better than poisonous, I will post the recipe, maybe I can become an importer of Butia Capitata fruits into Canada! I promise no insecticide. (joke).
Buti what??? I'll eat owt so I wanna try it. Looks kind of good anyroad
Boiled peanuts? LOL.
The jelly sounds MUCH more appealing to me :)
Wow. Have fun with the Grandson. I know my girls love standing in the kitchen while I cook. But then they get under my feet instead of sitting at the table and watching.they figure they can try and help..
Now the first time I heard of boiled peanuts I was on excursion with Sis and kids(and an ex) and I had heard of these things called "balled peanuts". Now I am thinking its a southern delicacy..ground peanuts with cajun spices and some other yummie stuff all rolled into a ball and battered and deep fat fried and...my mind was wandering.
We pull up to this guy setting on a camp stool beside a beat up pick up truck. There is this big tin pot. "I'd like a bag, please." chirps my Sis. I in the back seat get my first taste of BOILED peanuts. Not balled, not spiced not battered OR deep fried. Picture chewing dirt, earth. Yassah, I done learned that balled peanuts is like licking your garden soil. Thanks, Sis. It is always an adventure!!! ')
Of course they were more conserving in the old times - they didn't have grocery stores or fridges to help them out. I hope your jelly turned out. I have a huge mountain ash tree in my yard full of berries, but I'm not making a jelly out of them (though you can). I'd rather leave them for the poor starving bears.
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