Big Meowie had become much too thin during my absence. So she suggested a senior cat feeding regime. Well, its working. I can't tell too much on the human scales, but he is getting much more hefty when I lift him. The other cats carry on when he gets his special feeding, so I let them lick the cans. They carry on something terrible when I pull the can out, but seem content to lick the leavings, I guess cats don't measure how much the other is getting. Anyway, he's gaining!
Will celebrate my youngest's 32nd birthday tonight (no, not that old, no, no, noooooooooooooooo) and I need to find the wrapping paper and get a cake picked up. Half my day is gone because I ran the boy to school and then talked to my mother forever on the phone. I am wanting to paint in the worst way! The hibiscus has seen some changes and I know exactly how to finish it - won't take long, getting to it is the problem.
The boy's dad bought over a dog which is supposed to be the boy's but I can tell it has bonded with the dad. It is a very civilized dog except for peeing on my palm tree. Boy's dad told me on the phone dog was a chi-wa-wa - yes, I can't spell, nor do I have a dictionary around nor the time right now to look up on computer - that really sounds like I came from the hills somewhere I know - or a greyhound. I'm thinking, hmmm - there is quite a bit of difference. Anyway it turned out to be an older beagle who is an absolute dear. House broken, mellow around cats, a connoisseur who wants nothing to do with cat food (or dog food) - he wants people food, and puh-leeze make it something besides hot dogs. Perhaps a roast with potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin for dessert.
That sounds good. I hope kitty cat keeps gaining. That is good for him or her.. The dog sounds wonderful. Jeff and I want a small dog. but just having a hard time finding one we can agree on and can afford.
tweety try tha pound r humane
A chihuahua or a greyhound?!? Oh, I see... a beagle. That explains it, then. (?!?)
Speaking of animals who enjoy people food: my mum's cat Rudy loves mashed potatoes and green beans. I told my mum to try him on fish. I know my cat would rip my arm off for a bit of cod. Rudy turned up his nose at it. Weird...
LOL - the big Meowie will only eat tuna in water, doesn't like the oil packed stuff. Yeh, Red, when I expected either a greyhound or teeny dog - here comes this round little porker with his belly and ears dragging the ground - he is too cute - looks like he belongs to Scotland Yard for a mascot or something.
tweety - puppy is right, the pound or humane society can often have really nice dogs - this beagle was found by a policeman - dog was wandering the street looking confused, starving and dehydrated - you can often get a purebred for little $ there are some nice mixes too - often you get a coupon with them for neutering or spaying as well, so that cost is zero or minimal. Study up and stay away from breeds that need constant vet care like Sharpies (those adorable wrinkle dogs) - poodles are hard to housebreak - something really good natured that will let little girls dress it up....
Ave ya lost yer marbles, eh?
I could send Trev down for another species pet!
I'm gonna call you. You need talkin to.
Love how the hibiscus turned out!!!! Wish I could see it in person. It is beautiful......
Beagle boy does NOT live here.
Oh, this cat is my man! (after Pisko of course)
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