Monday, November 19, 2007

Why is the new word beginning with MEX------


Apparently there is a movement about to merge the Americas and some fear the movement seeks to eventually suspend the U.S. Constitution. I've only read enough about this to begin to hear alarm bells. For us born and bred, and I'm sure, a lot of our naturalized citizens, our Constitution is the backbone of our Country, guarded through the decades with only a few Amendments of record.

I don't know what to think yet, other than I really don't want to learn Spanish because I HAVE to - I also understand that EEO is developing a stance that a business must hire a Spanish speaking only person if that person is qualified for the job. Being that most of the U.S. still speaks English as a main language, I would think that would be unreasonable.

Have yet to go fully into the U.S. Government website and read in depth about this move, and to look at both sides. From what I understand from some of the blogs, our tax dollars are involved, but the corporate board behind this is not government. More corporate run government privatization schemes maybe? The target date is 2010. Why are they so sure they can pull this off in two-three years? Why can't we all vote on something so monumental? Why is it so hush, hush?

Why haven't we heard about it? Apparently the underground blogs are aware, there are plenty of internet references. Just wondering. For one thing, what would this do to the U.S. and Canadian economy to subsidize a poor country like Mexico? Thes manifesto mentions that we are to become "competitive." Well, how about free college education to our youth? Give us some brain power and we'll show you competitive. Do we REALLY want Mexico government, which can't even govern its own very well, telling the U.S. and Canada what to do? Why doesn't our government want us to buy our prescriptions from Canada? But allows China to export one-half of these meds - China, with the known tendency to poison us?

What kind of world will our children and descendants inherit? What happened to our free spirits and independence?


mister anchovy said...

I suspect that any "merger" of the Americas would be all about cheap Mexican labour and Canadian natural resources for America, no?

Gardenia said...

mister Anchovy -I think - yes. Glad I'm not "just" being paranoid.

**Ya Think** said...

In reality this has been going on for some time. At least the preliminary stages of it. It was introduced as World Trade, which means a World Order would be soon to follow. When is the last time you have heard "Put America Back To Work"? Are you aware that the state of Texas, along with many other states have outsourced their Social Workers from the Welfare Department to India? These are just a couple of examples, but setting consumer prices, such as gas prices, is no longer about what we as Americans can afford; It is about a world order. Clearly the economics are crushing the backbones of Americans, and it is equally as clear the government does not care. Two years ago I had a professor state in class we all simply had to get degrees because America was now a Third World Nation He stated we would not have the opportunities our parents had. It is no accident the government is not discussing this openly.

**Ya Think** said...

One more thing I might add. When is the last time you have spoken to an American when calling America Online?

tweetey30 said...

Yikes. You are right about our chilrend and grandchildren. I mean I dont have to worry about grandchildren for a long while but still. Its a scary time.

Anonymous said...

so its okay 4 europe 2 form a trade pact but not us?mabe we wan cheap oil from mexico since thay dun let us drill wot we already have??? personally i thinkit sx canal water

Heidi Grether said...

Paint more. Worry less.

* (asterisk) said...

I can't see this happening somehow...