Doors - ambiance & interpretation laden. A lot of photographers specialize in great photos of doors. I love to photograph buildings as well.
Thinking about the New Year and doors I want to walk through this year. I want a deeper spiritual walk. I would like to walk through the door of good health and to be able to be active. I want to clean all my doors and windows' nooks and crannies of the hurricane debris. This would not only make them work better, but would signify an end of the hurricane times of my life. There are maximum changes in the landscape after a hurricane. There is much that is never the same again. But, come to think about it, all the dead debris makes room for new growth. Doesn't happen overnight, but it comes eventually.
I want more patience with myself and others.
I want to lose extra weight, work out and walk, and be "lean and mean" - well, not mean, but fit for action. I want more discipline in my life. I have the tools, but where to put them and which screw or nut or bolt do I twist tighter? I can laugh thinking maybe more than a few screws and nuts and bolts have come loose! The doors around the house either need painted or oiled. They look bedraggled and they squeak. All it takes is some paint and some oil. And a determined person to touch them.
I want to learn to take care of myself. Seriously. To say no to things that are not good for me mentally or spiritually or physically. To find a suitable bed so I can sleep without having to roll it up everyday. To de-clutter. As I go through my list, I'm realizing some of the things are spiritual things manifesting in the physical - like the clutter. Clutter paralyzes me. What cures clutter? Discipline - pick up things, have a place for them, get rid of the unused...organize.
Determination arises to quit wandering the days endlessly. The time management chart will be drafted as soon as I leave this blog. Yep, I'm starting this project with a crackdown, big time! We'll work it it until we get it.
These things, most of them take a lot of trust. Trust that the God I believe in will meet my needs as they arise, trust that I will be truly well and in the mean time that all the resources I need will be available to me. I have done all I can in that area, all I can. Then, trust that all the things I worry about are things that I can either do something about or put in God's hands if I can't. Hmmmm - starting to sound like an AA meeting here this a.m.
I'm not so sure these are resolutions as much as they are the coming year's goals.
Resolutions...Yikes. I haven't even thought of any yet. Too much stuff going on.
I think that I will reslove to cry less.
I got the book on Christmas Eve. With Jessie in the hospital, I forgot to thank you. (I think)
I am about half way through it now, which is amazing in itself. I haven't read a book in year, because I just can't focus. I thought that I was going to have to wait for my meds to kick in before I could get any real reading done!
Thank you so much. You are so kind, and thoughtful, Diana.
Did you have a good Christmas?
I see a new years resolution like a years goal so the same thing to me and I Hope you have a great new year and get all these things done. Life is hard on us all and I am glad to have you as a friend.
biddie - yes, I had a great Christmas. tweety - yep, life is hard on us, and I don't expect things to get any easier - we just gotta keep on keeping on, don't we?
Resolutions...oh dear...I completely forgot about that aspect of next week! Heh heh.
what a lovely post thoughtful I love the picture of the door. I love the idea that you will not accept any more influence emotional or real like a hurricane. You are the real hurricane...and you are making the changes you like, slowly easily you will keep walking for your exercise.
Big hugs and I am glad for us knowing each other ...
Doors to houses and Gateways to the soul.. Perhaps they are not so far apart...
I hope you are able to find the peace you need. For me, it was letting go and letting God.
AA is not such a bad thing... It takes all those little things we knew so long ago and helps us to put them into action.
Have a great New Year Gardenia.
Always keep my resolutions. No probs.
1)Drink more beer
2)Drink more vodka
3)Try to give up smoking again - but as Homer says, "You fail miserably so the moral is don't try". Wise man is Homer.
Happy New Year x
I think a yearly to-do list is a much better idea than a resolution. I can usually accomplish at least one thing on a to-do list.
I love doors, and as you know, I take pictures of doors and windows everywhere I go. I like the fact that even though a door is open, you really can't see what you will find once you walk through, so for me doors a way to the unknown and a way to discover and udnerstand what was unknown.
I don't make resolutions because I never ever follow them to the end, but I admire you Gardenia for your determination!
Goals... I have lots. If I can achieve just a couple I will be a happy gal.
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