Hope your holiday is wonderful.
A head and respiratory something, perhaps the flu, has hit me, I should go to the doctor but its the weekend and now Christmas is coming up and doctors will be very scarce until Wednesday. ER is too expensive. I can't just pick up a normal virus, it mutates to a long term bout with bronchitis. Grrrr. The vaporizer full of Vicks has been running for the boy, I'll keep it on for myself. I've been nursing the little fellow, maybe he'll nurse me now.....we can order pizza if we have to.
We had planned to go to my daughter's for Christmas eve, but I would not take this illness over to them. Perhaps younger daughter can carry the presents to them. This is rotten!
Cooking is out of the question, although they all seem to have no problem eating what my germ laden semi-comatose body has prepared for them if I could cook. Drat, drat, drat. Wish I had a hot buttered rum - a bucket of them, some movies, and more kleenex.
So on this clogged up, nauseous, weak note, I wish one and all a Merry Christmas - and hope you have a wonderful time with family and friends! I hope all you and your children and friends and pets are well and can enjoy this time. Candy, hope you do too!
go 2 dr now!!!!!!!!!!i demand it there is killer colds goin around
happy christmas
I'm sooo sorry to hear this!!
That crap always settles into bronchitis with me too.
If I lived close enough, I'd bring Christmas dinner to you.
I pray that you and Grandson find the special peace of Christmas despite your misery!
Hi Gardenia, I'm sorry you're sick. I am still pretty knocked out...I'm not even going to the grocery store today. Stagg just left with our list...we're going to have chicken wings! How funny is that?
I don't mind though that we arent doing much because when I woke up today I knew I had everything I want for xmas for life and it is all good. sometimes it'ss good to have a simpl holiday and see how much it is an internal experience!
I am already tired and hope you are doing okay...I'm going back to bed and hope you are able to do the same!
Big hugs!
I hope you feel better soon. Happy Christmas!
I sure do hope you get to feeling better. Please don't fool around with this. Pup is right!! There are some ugly strains of colds (not virus') going around this year. Please get to the doc. Even an emergency room if you feel this not improving or getting worse.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow and keeping you in my prayers.
Ya Think?
Be well Sistah, I wish we could spend Christmas together, but you be here in my heart. Always.
I am so sorry you are feeling bad. Grrr, that is aweful timing.
Merry Christmas, Gardenia!!!! All the best for you and your family!
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