Wow! Science Fair Project due tomorrow. Now, if it were mine, I would have had it done a couple of weeks after the subject was approved. But no - daughter saved the putting together part until the day before it was due. And, of course, as always happens with procrastination, something happened. A patient died as she was getting ready to leave her shift and she had to deal with taking him where he needed to go and with comforting the family so she got home pretty late to start. I felt sorry for her so I keep my mouth shut and pitched in and helped finish it so she get get some sleep before going back in tonight.
So, it was a wild weekend. Did a wee bit more shopping - well, actually the boy wanted to go look at dogs. We were at the pet store and he wanted to pet the miniature pinscher - until I asked how much it was. Then we ran. There was a darling little terrier too - but the prices on pets in pet stores is absurd and I've read that one shouldn't get a pet from a pet shop anyway. So where? I went to a breeder once to get a Persian kitten and it was malnourished, full of ringworm, and deformed. Well, who would want a poor little monster cat? We nursed it to health with much effort and $. It was always insane too. Too much inbreeding, cross breeding can be animal cruelty.
I think what we want is a toy peek-a-poo or shi zhu.
Then he spent too long in a collector's store - choosing an action figure and some comic books. Well, he was happy. I purchased four used movies from the movie store.
Planned to go to church this a.m., but science and religion clashed once again.
Jeff is going to get Kora going on Science here. There is a big book of 750 Science projects with everyday house hold items. I hated science in school so I will let him do the Science part. I would love a dog but not sure when yet. We are looking at our local Humane Society here after taxes. yes they charge up to 250 dollars for a dog if you are adopting one. I think its stupid really.
I like your last sentence very much Gardenia.
And I think the science project looks neat! Well done everyone. I wish science was like that when I was at school! And instead it was all theory which I did not understand.
ADD kids and science fair projects are NO fun!
Z always had a hard time choosing a subject that would fit within our school's hypothesis format. Then, once he had chosen a project, he'd lose interest after the first day. The whole experience was always a nightmare!
After three kids and science projects/fairs, I figured out that it was a test to see how involved the parents were in their childrens homework/school work. I hope you get an "A" sisty. I got a good grade on Trevon's Yellowstone Park Project!!!
Soooo .. Were you successful on keeping your mouth shut? LOL I would not have been. Not even with super glue on my lips. Ö¿Ö
About breeds of Animals. Have you considered a Toy Rat Terrier? Also known as a Feist. They were originally a combination of the Kairn Terrier and the Fox Terrier. I like them because they run to the beat of their own drum and you know where you stand with them. Usually 2 feet in front throwing a ball .. ALL DAY!! Good for Boy!!!
Hope you are having a good day. Things are settling down here.
Back when I was a single guy, my fridge was often a science project. I cleaned it every year or two, if it needed it or not.
I bought Ruby from a lady that lived about half an hour away. I paid about $300 (she was a bday gift, so I am not postive)but she was worth every penny! We had been looking in pet stores, and most of the dogs that we saw were over $800 Crazy.
BTW, there is an award waiting for you over at my place.
What a snazzy looking science project.
I never would have done something that nice for school...I was a misfit and terrible student (except in art class and drama ha ha ha but that doesn't count ha ha ha in the "real" world)
ha, mr. anchovy - I can relate to the refrig/science project. tshsmom, ditto. I think I've figured out my anxiety problem, LOL. vicki - yes, a test for parents and other people sucked into the vortex. candy - I bet school probably bored you to death and I can't see you fitting into an airhead teen scene. tweety, I pray you get that special dog. milla - wondered if anyone would catch that! ya think - I did it! Not sorry. biddie, I'm comin' on over........
You Rock Gardenia!! Have missed seeing you the last few days.
Shih Tzu! They have the happiest, non-yappiest personalities. Also, there are sights you can go on to determine which breed is right for your lifestyle, personality, family, etc. Take your time, do the research. Look at pictures of the breeds when they are fully grown. All puppies are darling. But not all grown dogs are attractive to us.
Puppies are like babies. They take as much time and care. They need to be loved and trained. I did a lot of research before I got Isabella. I saw why I had failed with every other dog.
I think I am giving a lecture or what????
Well, if you're after a dog, you could do worse than hit your local dog pound/humane society.
Tweety, I think the reason even humane societies charge potential dog owners is to weed out time-wasters. If they were to just hand out puppies to anybody who shows up at their door, God knows how many would abuse that generosity. At least, if you're interested enough to invest $250 there are fewer chances that you'll just abandon the dog when it starts chewing your slippers or peeing on the sofa.
If you know what breed you want, Gardenia, you can then look online for respectable breeders. You can go to that particular dog's fanciers' association and they should be able to point you in the right direction.
But there's no getting away from it: pure-breed dogs (and cats) are expensive!
hattigrace, red, I realize this is indeed a 20 year commitment. So will do the research. I've been reading the only companion less intensive than kids was a dog. I'm remembering why I prefer cats. However these little fluffs of fur (dogs) are winning my heart as well. I should keep my eyes open in regard to adoption as well - sometimes something tiny comes in - however, I've rescued all our cats, and its sort of like giving birth - I'm thinking I want a puppy, not a grown dog - although I think I could take Fred in a New York minute. (The hefty old Bassett the boy's dad has.)
Get a West Highland White Terrier and / or a Boxer.
Love em
All our cats are mad. Not interbreeding they're just naturally nuts.
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