The lab results finally got where they were supposed to go. I spent at least an hour with the doc - who looks like an angel. Truly! He is about 6'2" - very thin, blue eyes, crystal clear complexion, reddish golden hair on his hands, his thin full lipped face was framed with curly hair tied back in a knot, reddish gold with some silver in it. Yeh, I looked too closely if I can see the hair on his hands and the pores - but purity it is - I only looked that closely at the hands - but hey, its because I'm an artist. I really, really wanted to ask him to pose for me as I have a huge canvas I wanted to cover with angels, but figured he would think I was really weird. He told me that I must have had a major metabolic meltdown somewhere along the way in life. At least I felt validated about all the complaints I've been carrying on about for the last year. In six weeks to two months, if I do everything he says, I will be a new person. Then he asked me for my lowest weight - and I told him. He says, "Wow, you must have been gorgeous." in his quiet, matter of fact voice. Well, hey, this is about 80% more exciting than Antonio Banderas (the Dr. that did the non-surgical disc decompression stuff)!

Where else could a grandma have so much fun? I must add that his office manager watched over him like a pit bull over a steak.
Then he gave me a bunch of medical studies on several issues for my reading and prescriptions and told me to go buy "The ABS Diet" and the accompanying smaller book with it. And to begin walking next week and work up to three miles a day. I gazed in those blue eyes, momentarily forgetting my avid hatred of anything that smacks of exercise, and said, "anything else?" Yes, more - he handed me a long list of vitamins. At least I can still have my lattes - I can't wait for six weeks to pass!
This dr. turned my oldest daughter's life around - she went into a rapid decline after a surgery and spent about two years mostly in bed. She's looking gorgeous again and back in life with her usual gusto.
Spent the morning today going with daughter to the cell phone store - she was craving a new Blackberry, which she got and gave me one like her old one, which really was a replacement for the slightly malfunctioning old one, a Palm Treo. Did I ever dream those techie phones I lusted after would actually be mine? I always bought the cheapest ones.
Then I got some groceries - the ABS diet seems peculiar in that you can even have ice cream. However, since Thanksgiving, I've decided I have a problem when it comes to anything with sugar in it, so I had best avoid the stuff. I've finally made the break, but its been a couple of weeks. Didn't put on additional weight though! I don't eat sugar often, knowing that when I do, its like crack and it will take some time to get back off it. Well, no, I've never did crack, but only hear stories.
So the next few days will be spent gathering in the prescriptions, vitamins, and also in making charts, menus, etc., so I can begin a new disciplined era. Eeek. Maybe I'll eventually be able to get somethings done!
That prognosis sounds fantastic!
Come visit us if you want cool weather and exercise. Z and I just spent 2 hrs outside, moving snow around. It's supposed to reach -20F tonight, so we wanted to get the outside work done while it was still semi-warm.
Oooh this sounds very promising indeed! And it always helps to have a doctor you find attractive that compliments you. I have a wee crush on my GP and he always talks about how young I am even though he's only a couple of years older than me. Yep, I've got no problem following his "doctor's orders". Tee hee!
wot is abs diet?
Well I hope this works for you!! I have a hunch, though, if the diet says you can have ice cream it is ok. In moderation of course. If you don't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy on this diet, it will probably be more likely you will stick with it. Shall I duck now or later?
I am glad your oldest daughter is doing so much better. I have worried about her over the last 2 years.
I hope this does wonders for you.
ya think, ice cream once a month. haha.
puppy - its a low fat, low sugar thing, appears to be. But it also seems like something a person could live with all their life because of the broad food choices and no calorie counting. It was interesting to note that he thinks depression can also be a metabolic problem.
If you want, I will email you his website. Very caring, safe feeling Dr.
Beautiful roses you have Gardenia.
Not sure about the doc though...he looks like the singer from Aereosmith.
It hasnt snowed here since it we got hit a few weeks ago so you are welcome to come visit here too if you want cooler weather. Its only 10 degree's right now.
yas tha sie please i think it sounds diabetic ok
I'm going to go check out the Abs diet...
I think I would be so uncomfortable with a doctor I found good looking,. really what a coincidence becaus Stagg and I were just talking about this...
Or what a bout a good looking massage therapist...I would be so un-nerved....but then, i don't like strangers touching me.Not even my own fabulous female doctor...but what can you do ha ha...
I am so excited about your doctors enthusiasm though Gardenia...sounds so good. You know I really beleive in natural source vitamins...and have seen them make a huge difference. Again...make sure you take vitamin E, B and C together...not with other vitamins.
The walking sounds a bit intimidating...please take your time and walk carefully...but i KNOW you can do it...and you will feel so much better for the changes!
Candy - well, I have two good looking medical doctors - they would never be allowed to do THE EXAMS though - my gyn doc and I have grown old together -
He did tell me to take the E,B's, & C's first thing in the a.m. together. There ya go!
I went to the park with Sage today - gorgeous day - but foot hurts - Rome wasn't built in a day - advice to the younger - take care of yourself carefully while ye may....
Puppy - I have just searched and search through my email addy's - for some reason I don't have yours - and I remember you sending it once - I'll send the link if you will send your address again -
Hey, this sounds very interesting. I need help. The sugar demon got me and I am still suffering. Just had a salad w salmon, spinach, one clove garlic, extra Essential Woman's Oil, avacado and a sprouted wheat flat bread wrap. I already feel better. Sugar is bad for me. I want all yer info.
Holly's books were mailed today. I will let you know when they arrive!
Great Gardenia! Make sure you have a little "good fat" with the vitamins too...like cottage cheese or yogurt...
Candy - breakfast is a hand full of supplements, yogurt, fruit, & whey protein or some oatmeal thrown in, maybe p-nut butter - or eggs wrapped in whole wheat tortilla with fruit & lo-fat cheese - I'm actually eating more (lots) than I usually do, (I usually don't eat until 2:00 p.m., then nibble about until bedtime) but this is 3 meals a day plus 3 snacks a day! So I'm dubious about the whole thing. We'll see.
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