Yet another rainy day. We are starting to flood here. Well, not here - we are thankfully residing on an upslope, but parts of town and roads and rivers and swamps, and, you name it are overflowing - we're real wet down here!
The last post? My cat is not really playing with the fax, he has his own business, and his secretary (me) was not paying attention to the fax machine. He is currently working on a patent for a new method of processing dead rats with the ultimate goal of exporting them to China. He says ya gotta dream big.
Have a fun day.
The picture of the floating fun fair is scary. It would be perfect for a film too, or a record sleeve.
Your cat's idea ain't that bad at all....hmmm... is he planning a franchise in the UK? Pikso might be tempted.
I thought that was a houseboat in that picture! Wow! We're currently having another dump of snow and it has dumped all night. You can just imagine how well that is going over with this coyote.
Yikes Gardenia.. Hope it gets better there for you or you might have to come up North for a while.. Wishful thinking.
That picture is brilliant! I love it...you should include that in any art show you have in the future if you took it!!!
What a mess huh? I hope that means you'll have lots of beautiful flowers though...
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