On the way to the Condo, we passed the famous, or infamous, Florabama, a conglomeration of entertainment/pub/bar/beachfront fun. This was the day of the "Mullet Toss" and over 5,000 people were expected. I caught a picture of just some of the motorcycles. Traffic was parked down the beach road either way for 10 miles and people were hiking in. Festivities lasted over a 24 hour period. Someday I just have to investigate this. The idea of a Mullet toss just seems to tickle me - where else but the Florida/Alabama state line would you find someone tossing fish for competitive fun?
Inside the condo. I tried to get "H" to come back and load up the parrot sculpture - I want it for my patio, but he wouldn't. (Joking)
Waterfall and Koi ponds inside the condo. I loved the way they had installed the elevators - they tracks looked like waterfalls as well. I'm sure the architects planned the effect. Looking at all these condos that line the beach, I'm convinced the "recession" is only for us middle class Americans. That a huge segment of America lives in a recession proof bubble - how else can hundreds of these things be built yearly? I grab for every moment I see open beach without buildings!
The pools were awesome! The winding one is the "Lazy River" where I tipped an inner tube, went under, and hurt my shoulder in the process. Sometimes I forget that I'm in the over 40 crowd. The chlorine in the waters burned all our "tushies" and, uh, bits. I think I prefer to do my dunking in the Gulf of Mexico and take my chances with the bacterias and sharks. Actually there are hardly any shark attacks along here - you just have to use good sense - do not swim where people are fishing or after four o'clock when they come in to feed.
Family. Oldest daughter is the one with long, dark hair. My first baby grandson and me....teenagers have a knack for taking photos by holding the camera at the end of an outheld arm! The underwater fiasco didn't do much for my hair.
The pool at sunset and one of the last night's that grandson will have with sweetheart from up north for a while. I think they are beautiful.
Looks like a really fun place, though I am sorry you hurt your arm. Hope it's getting better.
It is - is in pretty good shape this a.m., except my jaw is frozen - happens sometimes. Need a good massage. Too tight to spend money. Going to go take a long walk on beach this a.m.
Wow! What a reat lookingplace...I loved the look of the pool and wished I could have gone on a tube with you. What a brilliant design for a pool! I bet eveyone had such a good visit. The kids all looked happy and grand what a holiday! Thanks for sharing so many pics.
Is there ice and hot tub for your poor sholder? I hope it feels better. I have walked into the Gulf of Mexico...and later read the sign that said "no!"...
I hope you can find a good hot tub!
AND you look beautiful!
Arm is better already - been sleeping with the more powerful magnets twirling - makes for shaky bed - healed shoulder already and lots of energy!
I am cutting back coffee today to one cup per day - seeing if that will rid wrist and thumb joints of swelling...(too much acid?)
WOW. That place looks incredible.
I could go for a spin on the lazy river right about now :)
I laugh out loud at the 'Mullet Toss' because when I read the word mullet I didn't think about the fish, I thought about the hairstyle! In my mind I had a bunch of people shaving their mullets off their heads and tossing them in the distance.
These condos... are they built in the sand? I don't know why but perhaps because of their size or because of the hurricanes, I wouldn't feel safe in them. Even though I agree that the Lazy River is pretty to look at.
Glad your arm is better!
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