Finished the body builder - probably an obvious title would be the "Blue Man." I think finished - Hmmmm
New painting started - the bloom of the banana tree - I was so fascinated when the banana tree bloomed last year - it is awesome to note that the design for procreation seems to be similar in plants, animals, and humans. Flowers are incredibly sexy and I'm starting to understand O'Keefe's fascination with her sensual flower paintings....even rocks and landscape, all took on the softness and shape and flow of femininity and of yin and yang. There are times when I just love getting old!
Art party last night - what a great group of "girls" - how can I be so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends - here in blogland and also in the flesh - I don't take these gifts for granted. There are not many places in this world where one would dare take the risk of being "real" and just being who we are.
The sunshine is out, probably one reason the world seems improved!
Now, moving to the patio to clean the chairs - the countdown to company is ticking away, I want to have the house at least reasonably clean, food decided upon, and be able to be a sweet place of fellowship.
Last, but not least - a photo of my "blue" bookcase - I'm still working on my study which has several different functions - I need someone to help me do a miracle and make it organized.....
LOVE the bodybuilder painting, and I have never seen a banana bloom before. Very cool.
organize, whats that?
I'm not sure, but if I keep my intent focused on it, won't it materialize? Please tell me yes.
Organization would be easy if we lived alone! ;)
I love the bookcase, how you assemble things, clours and textures. Art! Art!
you are very talented, is what i meant to say :D
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