Well, yes I need business contacts too! BUT I got a wild hair. Yep. I love my glasses, I love bold, in your face eye glasses, sun glasses. I can hide behind them, I can use them when I'm in my power mode (oh, I'm so deluded on that one) - and I can see things with them that I couldn't see otherwise.
But for some crazy reason I decided I wanted contacts and I discovered "H" has VISION insurance on me. Woo hoo. I came home wearing contacts from my eye exam today. Never mind it took over an hour to insert them Today I can wear them for four hours. I never want to take them off. I am FREEEEEEEEEEE. It is the oddest feeling. Why haven't I done this before? Well, when I inquired about them years ago they were incredibly expensive and I was told my vision problem could not be corrected by contacts. But hey, it's 2008 and I decided to check it out! I need new glasses too - the blurriness I am experiencing at the end of the day and when reading for very long is just a need for more lens power.
For years, until I was in my forties, I enjoyed perfect vision. It was incredibly hard to get used to not having perfect vision....but I'm there now. Reality is reality.
Anyway, I'm dreading taking them out and putting them back in tomorrow - but what fun - what freedom - shouldn't be a big thing, but it is an incredibly big thing. As soon as the dilation drops wear off, I hope I find I am seeing as well as I think I am. Did you know they make BIFOCAL contacts? LOL, baby boomers will never age, we won't!!!! No one would ever know if I didn't have a big mouth!
It's awesome to be able to see to put on makeup. The down side is that I can clearly see my face, and, uh, there's a few more wrinkles there than I thought there was.
I had contacts for a long time, but I really want that lasik surgery I haven't gotten new contacts for a few years, so the ones I have are no longer the right perscription...however I do have 2 pairs without a script, one pair green and one pair purple( yeah I'm kinda weird like that)sometimes I wear one of each to see if anyone notices, so far no one has said anything, and I know my husband won't because he's color blind
I used to wear contacts, too, and loved them because it was like I could see with my own eyes again! Miraculous! I felt cured! Alas, I cannot afford them now and I need special ones for my astigmatism, so I'll have to wait awhile until I'm slightly richer (a looooong while!).
Congrats, though. I'm glad you're liking them so much. You might find your eyes dry out in air conditioned surroundings so you might want to invest in some eye drops. That's what I did when I wore contacts in an air conditioned office.
thanks for the tips - these lenses were really really cheap - shock, shock. Yes, you do feel like you have your eyes back.
LOL, I was looking at the colored lenses too - they are now making them for brown eyes to change color - sometimes if I am really under stress I wear mismatched shoes - so i'd better stick to clear lenses.
I thought about wearing lenses for a while, when I was younger, but I love my glasses, so I am sticking with 'em spectacles.
When I sign something informal on paper, I write my name and next to it I draw a pair of glasses :)
another thing, you will need to use eyedrops quite a bit when you are on the computer, make sure you get the kind that are made for contacts that also clean when you blink....
thanks - I'll look for drops - it only took me five minutes to put in this a.m. instead of the two hours yesterday - but they are making my eyes water - i'm so used to progressive (gradual darkening Lense) in my glasses that I'm having a hard time tolerating light - - I'll get used to it...now that I can stick my finger in my eye, I can probably use drops!
Milla, that's so cute! I once did a self portrait photo of my glasses, water & book on nightstand by bed - glasses make a statement too!
thanks - I'll look for drops - it only took me five minutes to put in this a.m. instead of the two hours yesterday - but they are making my eyes water - i'm so used to progressive (gradual darkening Lense) in my glasses that I'm having a hard time tolerating light - - I'll get used to it...now that I can stick my finger in my eye, I can probably use drops!
Milla, that's so cute! I once did a self portrait photo of my glasses, water & book on nightstand by bed - glasses make a statement too!
thanks - I'll look for drops - it only took me five minutes to put in this a.m. instead of the two hours yesterday - but they are making my eyes water - i'm so used to progressive (gradual darkening Lense) in my glasses that I'm having a hard time tolerating light - - I'll get used to it...now that I can stick my finger in my eye, I can probably use drops!
Milla, that's so cute! I once did a self portrait photo of my glasses, water & book on nightstand by bed - glasses make a statement too!
Wonderful! What a surprise adventure I think such a change must be fun. And not to have to worry where you left your glasses throughout the day must be a huge advantage. Way to go and I suspec after a while you get used to the changing and removing them etc.
Great to "see" you...I have a lot of reading on your blog to catch up...it's been almost three weeks!
I've never had contacts... the idea of putting something on my eye makes me squirm!
Asterisk used to wear them, but I think he got bored with the routine involved. Is it not a pain, having to fiddle with solutions and soaking and putting them away at night, when you can just flick your glasses on to the bedside table and be done? Having said that, being able to see to put on your make up has to be a distinct advantage!
BI-FOCAL contacts?? Hmmmm, I may join you!
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