First, I told Andrew from "To Love, Honor, and Dismay" that I would spread the word - he has some of the clearest most sane feedback that I've ever come across in the area of relationships. His link is on my blog....even if your relationship was made in heaven, (am I a cynic or what), you can go on and help someone else with your point of view.
Second, egad, I was just invited to join something called "Yearbook" - now there is My Space, Face Book, Classmates, now Year Book in addition to Blogspot. These all feed my computer addiction so I have to cut back somewhere. I think my favorites are Blogspot, then My Space. Yearbook looks to be a "Meat Market" and very superficial....shudder. Sorry, if any of you are on it and love it. Just my weird opinion.
I found a watermelon in my garden. A real, true life watermelon!!!! I was weeding (oh,yes, weeds had gotten that bad) and there it was. Half was eaten away by something, so I just cut that part off, turned it under for mulch, and bought the other half into the house, cleaned it up and it is - GOOD! Awwww, my first watermelon produced by my very own efforts.
Future SIL is informing me that their dining room table and chairs will arrive in a box and they are putting it in my garage - uh, the garage is full. Very full. A fire hazard, a mental drag down, a rat trap, and a dangerous place to place anything as it will disappear. I guarantee. Besides, gees...is there a limit? I once made a wonderful peg board, nailed it to the wall and hung all my garden tools on it. Did it disappear? Yes, behind stacks and stacks of boxes too heavy for me to move - and the spot I had for storage of my paintings, etc...???? Has it disappeared as well - can I reach it when I am called with an opportunity to show somewhere - No, I can't. I want my Prozac and I want it now. But I can't find it.
The garage is already full, and "H" is piling cardboard boxes full of books in the bedroom.
Ok, I will regain my sanity - I will have surgery, then I will recuperate. Then I will, God willing, find someone with a truck who will help me clean that garage and the bedroom. I will give everyone fair warning to remove their stuff they never use and I am going on a CLEANING, Feng Shui (or however you spell it) spree in the garage. Someday. This year I hope. I have been steadily going through my "stuff" clearing it out. But then stuff that is not mine takes over any space I make for myself. This would make a really good script for a horror movie. Even more scary than people being chopped up and cooked in a pot, or truckers who scare you, or.....
I'm getting confused just writing this.
Arrrgghhh. I just lost my comment by hitting a button. lol.. Anyway yes have your surgery and then clean out the garage. That is the best way to go. Books I am always looking for good books to read that no one wants.. I can pay for shipping if there is anything not wanted.. Let me know via e-mail..
tweety, If it were my books in the bedroom, I would just have them hauled to UPS and slap those address stickers on them - his books are all Christian books - not novels - teaching, preaching...still interested? Maybe he wouldn't notice they are missing? Obviously he's not reading them. They are all on marriage, well mostly, which is pretty ironic. I'll weed some of mine out and will surely pass them your way.
Hmmmmm maybe you could become a little more 'territorial'? Warn everyone first, and if they don't take notice,
get your claws out big time.
I had to do that with Zorro; his stuff was taking over everything, driving me nuts, also because he is not tidy and instead I am super tidy with my things.
milla, same here - I did totally reclaim the study - well, almost totally, uh, except for - well, never mind, I did not reclaim after all, just a chair in front of the computer
You're scaring me! I have to clutter up my garage with all the crap from my porches this weekend. Our contractor is coming to work on the porches and roof on Monday. My biggest fear is that the garage clutter will become permanent. :(
Thats ok. When ever you weed through your books. I love books. Well you sent some pretty good ones over the holiday when I made those sets for the kids.
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