Denial is a powerful thing.
Reality hit me when I made a quick run to the store - the silent sound that comes with pre-hurricanes was punctuated with the sound of whirling tires as people made last minutes dashes for food, water, gasoline and other supplies. Who knows where our lights, candles, etc. are - but I do know we have a way to cook and also the PiMag water filter we purchased has a unit we can install which can filter the nastiest water to perfection. We will also fill the tubs, pans, etc. just in case. I don't think we'll get it that bad though.
The huge store's shelves were rapidly emptying and it was mostly silent except for the sounds of the registers. People were strangely silent and hurried.
We are going to get SOME of the hurricane. Mobile, 40 miles away from us, is under mandatory evacuation along its coastal line as are other parts of the Gulf Coast. We've had some hard rain, then a reprieve. It is dark, hot, and humid. "H" spent the afternoon putting the patio furniture, etc. away as much as possible since the garage was already full.
Ex son-in-law bought a new power washer and he and grandson are out power washing the windows and the cement. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak, I'm glad. That will get rid of Ivan's debris in my outside windows finally.
I think I will run out tonight to rent some videos. We can watch these on our personal DVD players. "H" watched as his store closed out and found one dirt cheap for me. He has to go to work tomorrow. Yag. One hates to leave with a major 'cane coming in.
We stay glued to the TV - probably will into the night.
Nurse daughter is on call - I hope they don't call. During Ivan she told of hand pumping breathing apparatus for their patients - now the hospital is wiser hopefully and has plenty of generator backup. I like my "chicks" tucked under my wings during events like these. Daughter in Mobile has her chicks tucked.
We wait.
I'm scared for you, Gardenia! I hope you and your family stay safe during this 'cane. I'll be thinking about you guys, and glued to my TV, too.
Good luck, G. Hopefully Gustav will lose strenght and the damage will be less than they're currently expecting. I'm tuned into the news and will be keeping you and your "chicks" in my thoughts.
I think we are going to be fine. It seems he is not getting stronger so far.
It's 4:22 a.m. The sound of rain on the skylight woke me up - tornado warnings on TV as this band goes through. Gustav so much closer to land. Goodness, we have the rest of Sept. and Oct. to go through!
Despite having a houseful of company, I've been checking the weather for you all weekend. It looks to me like you'll just be catching the edge of Gustav, which is bad enough. Stay safe!
See, it wasn't bad at all! Good sleeping day!
How did it go?
I love, just LOVE, the last two sentences in this post, the image of the chicks under your wing.
I miss my mum now!!
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