My usual good nature has abruptly come to an end for the day. I feel mean, very mean, mostly because I am what is known as - fed up. Big time. The phone is in the living room and will remain unanswered. I am in the bedroom hissing like the above cat and no one dare enter. Did I miss my hormones? Maybe. Did someone "cross" me? Maybe. Have my boundaries been kicked? Perhaps. Positive thinking thing that I have been on nothwithstanding, it feeeeeeeeels gooooooooooooooood. Grrrr. Hissss. Spitttt.
Wow. Anything that you want to talk about? Seems like it has been a long time since we have had a 'chat.'
Hope that everything is ok and that your bad mood/day is just temporary.
Biddie, everyone needs one once in a while! Sometimes it bothers me having to depend on other people to get things done, especially when they use that to manipulate you and then think you should keep smiling. And other people who mess up your life and expect you to be be fine with it. It'll pass, I was just enjoying it for the day...though its lingering, I'll have to shake it off. Thank you, that's so sweet!
I sound incredibly selfish - I just got too tired and was not able to be available to everyone that wanted my attention and performance - (family, work) you know - like an outlet that has too many plugs stuck in it - my fuse blew!
Taking a day to just be mad is a technique a psychologist taught me to cope with depression years ago. He told me to take a day or a portion of a day, set it aside and be depressed. Then get out of bed and stop. I thought it was so hillarious that occasionally I have to take a depression or cranky holiday. It was weird - it was the beginning of getting out of a chronic depression - practicing this.... for me, it gave me power to stop that mysterious force that comes occasionaly - whether it be depression or being overwhelmed - or...
I am real productive on days like you are having. Good for purging STUFF out of my life!
I love you.
You are certainly entitled to a day like that!
Know that I care.....
Let it out sister! Then move forward. Happy juju being sent to you!
There's nothing like a good hissy-fit to release all that pent-up stress!
you need the supplement by Standard Process called Orchex!! It is not available thru regular vitamin suppliers like GNC or anything. You'll need to find a chiropractor in your area that carries it. It is amazing stuff. Great for the brain without the "high" feeling.
Thanks all - I'll check on the Orchex too!
WHOAAAAA never seen you like this cat before!
It's a wonderful post, however. It really gives the creeps to the readers! Also, why do you think you are being selfish if you feel mean? Isn't that part of human nature to want to be alone, especially to be LEFT alone, and to kick someone invisible in the shins?
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