Had a fun weekend - a friend called at the last moment and suggested we go to the Greater Gulf Coast Arts Festival, which is an annual, international juried art show of quite a large size, staged outdoors and full of entertainment, food, and wonderful art.
I always pick out my favorite and may or may not buy something. Most of the time I don't have enough money to invest large - and today only spent about ten dollars, but came home with a small print from the above artist. Frames, matting, etc. are one-half off at one store, so I will have a gorgeous, mysterious, dreamy piece for "not much" from the artist pictured above. I loved her work. You can take a "stroll" with me through the artists' work via the artist link here.
We strolled with a delicious marguerita - that blew this week's weight loss - and a huge sack of Kettle Korn unlike any I've ever tasted - it was only slightly sweet, and deliciously salty. We shared a giant pickle and met a new friends. Time with friends seems to always fall short and once in a while a wonderful, out of the blue, time comes for an opportunity and life is then richer.
I came home to a big bouquet of white roses from "H" - today was a day where a gossamer spiritual yet sensual and emotional treat awaited around every corner!
Took grandson to a movie and Olive Garden yesterday where I ran into an old friend from the art program. Also ran into an old friend at campaign headquarters last week. What nice surprises. Nursed grandson's cold this morning before he went home and when I returned from the art show, nursed my own. At least I got my walking in, in a most pleasurable way.
Now, its 2:00 a.m. and it is time for praying - don't know what is going on in the spiritual atmosphere but it doesn't matter - hopefully I'll be on the plain of communication and worship where I will know what to pray about.
she is really very good!
yes, it is - her treatment of draped fabric is awesome.... but beyond that is the etheral feel of the paintings, did you see the one of the saint with all the kids .....powerful. She's so pretty too!
She is gorgeous and talented! Wow!
Thank you Gardenia for this post! I looked at her work and I like it very much.
Physically, she reminds me of Frida Kahlo: perhpas it her her dark hair? I don't know :)
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