No coyote/wolf hunting from the air, no stalking bears with a double barrel whatever, my idea of hunting is either by camera or shopping. I need a coat. I'se freezing.
Yesterday went to J.C. Penny's third world bargain center. Boy, has ol' J.C. changed! First, there were thousands of crammed up into wrinkled pieces in rows barely big enough to get through without knocking something off. Next, everything marked "Grande" looked like it would fit a grande size 8. And the fabric - oi - what ever happened to good ol' sturdy clothing made in the developed world, close to home? Or if you wanted an import, it woul be a classy Italian shoe or made to order suit. The labels on the clothing were all from developing countries that specialize in child/cheap labor with little or no controls concerning chemicals or safety or fit standards. Fair Trade goods are extremely expensive. It's either or - no middle ground - Sears and "Penny's," once a standard of middle of the road goods, no more.
Finally found the coats and I was stunned. The coats were advertised as 40% to 70% off regular price. The problem was that the coats which were mostly $49.00 coats to begin with (at least all the years prior to this one) were marked $250.00. The $250.00 coats were "marked down" to $99.00. Well, I found one I liked, but something in me was rebelling against what looked possibly like a "mark it up to mark it down" trick. I left the coat and walked out.
I'm having a hard time accepting change. Ol' J.C. is not what I would call a high end store, but what is the deal with department stores carrying merchandise with such high prices at so much lower quality?
Right now, I'm eyeballing the above coat, tall size - J Jilll, versatile - 25% off - - but I'm going to keep looking. When something is advertised - you have to buy it today or you lose, well that makes me feel manipulated as well.
The saddest thing is, I have a gorgeous leather jacket hanging in my closet that is four sizes bigger than me that my daughter gave me for Christmas last year. I LOVE that coat. All my life I wanted a leather coat and was waiting until there were no more children at the spitting up stage or needing a coat more than mom or I succumbed to thinking of the homeless out there on the street with no coats and bought for other children - at least I have a warm bed! - to get one and finally.....it might have been worth waiting until it wore out to decide to lose weight just so I could wear that coat to pieces.
Well, compared to the rest of the world, this is such a petty problem - I'm lucky, blessed to have warm clothing, clothing at all - I guess the point is, our society and culture is changing and I don't like it. It is most obvious in the marketing world! I might just really REBEL and start hunting bear and wolves, learn to chew the hide as my ancestors did and just make me a coat! Do a whole "back to the earth" movement in my life....yeh, sure, I will. (Won't).
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, for the good ol' days. Oooops have to quit ranting - family emergency - baby with possible pneumonia and complication - going out now.
I know where you are coming from...Coats in my size are soo expensive and poorly made to boot.
I put off buying for myself, too, because of the girls...They always need something. Even KC who is 20 and all but moved out. We are coughing up for her dentist appointment in a couple of weeks.
I do like the coat that you are eyeballing. I could see you in it.
I sometimes stop myself and remember that my problems, in the grand scheme of things are pretty petty, too. I am happy, healthy, warm, and my baby is at home, not languising in some hospital bed.
We are very lucky, indeed :)
Tuffy P bought me a new coat this season...nice and warm and just a little bit dressy.
Oh...the coat search!
Am going thru that too.
Seems quality has become far too scarce theze dayz.
I think most of us women put our needs last.
Now that I am an empty nester maybe I'll splurge a bit on myself.
Lov the pic of that coat.
Classy,simple elegance
pay the money to get your leather coat tailored, there is no reason to leave it in the closet! i buy clothes i lieke even if they are too big...i actually bought a size 26 sweatshirt at lane giants(as we call them) it is very large on me, but i just don't care, besides it was a buy one get one for a buck deal. the only problem with buying online is the size, if you don't know where it's made you can't go y their sizes...especially if it's like from viet nam , then a size xxxl would be about a 4 u.s.a.( ok I exaggerated a scoosch)
You think you've got it bad, try buying a coat that will keep you warm at -20F! K-mart's idea of a winter coat is a windbreaker with a zip-out sweatshirt liner. They used to carry warm coats at a reasonable price, but no more. It seems like all the jackets are now designed for California or Florida.
The only places I can find a WARM coat is places like Gander Mountain, but they don't carry tall women's sizes. Once again I'm shopping in the men's dept to cover my long arms. The price tags aren't pretty in these places either...$200 and up. :(
I don't know anything about tayloring, but could you have the leather coat be taken in a couple of sizes? I know it can be done for skirts and dresses...
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