The last beautiful sunset of 2008. I am sad in some ways to see the year end - I don't think I've had a better year of so many personal changes, ever. Because of that I am looking forward to 2009, but this 2008 was really special.
Grandson and I came home from the movies to an invitation to go on a Midnight Walk. I wish I had received the invitation before I left for the day, because I really want to go - it's from Doc Lovely and he lives in one of the most beautiful spots on this earth - in one of the most beautiful towns on this earth - - what a treat it would be to go watch the fireworks, then walk along the bay - - - and meaningful to start the New Year focused on health! If it weren't over an hour away, I'd put on my jogging suit, my walking shoes and jump in the car with boy and head that way.
The alternative is to walk here at midnight and join the energy from a distance - not quite the same as face to face, but . . . and I so would have enjoyed meeting this family on a personal basis, and making new acquaintances with other guests. So walk here I will - - - even if it is by myself - just to say to the New Year - "I will be here - present - in so many ways."
Here is something I am passing along from Doc "Lovely" that I thought was good in the "New Year Resolution" department -
1. Instead of making a New Years Resolution to accomplish something (like lose 10 pounds or get healthy), consider making a resolution to have a routine that takes you to where you want to go. Best I think (when it comes to health) is to have a morning routine that if you accomplish that routine you will achieve the health goal you want.
Where do I want to go? And what steps will I take to get there? By writing those things down, I will create a pathway for 2009.
What did you all do on New Year's Eve?
Beautiful pictures!Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year, my friend!
I made myself a nice dinner, then watched a DVD, ate some crab dip & chips, and was in bed by 11:30. I was happy with it!
All the best for 2009!
Hey I dont have your e-mail address anymore.I lost it when I had to close out my hotmail account. I was going to e-mail you a few minutes ago.. LOL.. Drop me a line where I have it please. N..
Those are beatiful pictures Gardenia!
You know, 2008 was a special year for me too, as I wrote in the Wheel. I think that is why I have begun 2009 with the idea in my mind that the new year will be even better; perhaps harder on some things (money for example), bu I want to continue this sort that I had in 2008.
Here's a cheer for the both of us!
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