Nothing much to post, just every day stuff. A run to the lab yesterday for bloodwork, to be told since I was chewing sugarless gum I did not qualify for the fasting blood draw and that I should call and make an appointment and try again the next day. That translated out to: Instead of driving 42 miles to get bloodwork, I could actually chalk up an 82 miles drain on the environment. When I told them it would be good to TELL people what quantified a "fasting" blood draw before the appointment time, I just got a grouchy stare.
Well, to turn frustration into opportunity and to redeem the time and the mileage, I decided a Starbucks coffee was in order. Yeh. Starbucks two days in a row, yesterday and today. But, heck, gas is 1/3 of the price it used to be, so I rationalized.
Skinny Vanilla Latte. Always the same. Nursed slowly the 21 miles back home. Good thing they don't have Starbucks on this side of town. There is something about this rich coffee, slowly savored....Then two runs to the copy/postal place to copy and return more insurance forms - will it ever end? They finally gave "H" his life insurance policy. I'm still under investigation - imagine that. Doesn't seem to matter grandma and great grandma lived respectively to 102 or 3 and to 97. I would think that calculates up to good odds.
Then a run to a Christmas party at noon, but before that a run to the health food store to get a bottle of sulpher free wine for the party.
Now,finally after two days of running the road, telephone calls, the house is quiet, and its getting closer to the time to crawl into bed....yum, I LOVE my bed, huge headboard, adjustable air pockets for both sides of mattress, a magnetic layer, a tempurapedic layer, another layer, and on top - a bamboo covering that feels like heaven's clouds. Toss on a magnetic comforter that when pulled up around the ears feels like a cocoon of safety and sweetness. I love a comfortable world to sleep in....(especially after a year and one half on a foam pad on the floor)...I love it. Ha, too much! For years we used to sleep on sorry excuses for a mattress....now, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I want your bed!!!!
Yes me too... I have a Simon Something bed. No headboard.. You have seen my bed in my photo's with my queen size afhgans... LOL...
Who would've thought that sugar-free gum counted?!
I can't handle Starbucks coffee; way too strong for me!
That's bizarre re. the sugar free gum. I would never have guessed.
Man, despite the fact that people love to hate them, Starbucks is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me...The nearest one is over an hour away, though, so I don't have to worry too much about overindulging in frappuccinos.
HG, Tweety - I know where you can get one! :)
I would've never guessed about sugarless gum either - ???? - I noticed when I returned the next day, they had all the same kind of tests stacked - about 6 vials of blood - wondering if maybe they just didn't like to do them that time of day???
Starbucks is a long ways away from here too, but across the street from the lab and close to the mall so when I go that way, I can't resist. I've tasted a Frapuccino - my grandson likes them, but never had one. I love their baseball cookies.
"H" recently turned me on to Burger King's coffee - surprisingly good!
Isn't it amazing how people will shop for a cheap mattress and box springs?I mean think about it, ou spend at least a third of your life in bed, shouldn't you be comfortable? I think the last set we bought was stearns and foster and on sale it was 2500 omg!never spent a quarter of that before, but it sure makes a difference. The only thing i'm sorry about is that we bought a cal king and not a reg king..next time its gonna be a plain king!Waiting for snow, got my 'lectric blankie all plugged in, maybe next time i change the sheets, the flannels will go on....
WOW! The ladies in your family! I love it when you write about them, especially your grandma.
I only went once to Starfucks, and didn't like the coffee so I never went again. Plus, I'm always a bit weary of coffee shops chains... I don't know why...
I love my bed too! My favorite place. It's not as sophisticated as yours, but it is comfy and it smells of home and soap :)
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